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The Prompt Tuning Playbook

Prompt engineering has emerged as a crucial technique in the realm of large language models (LLMs), offering two distinct approaches to enhancing model performance. Let's delve into these approaches:

  1. Inference-time Prompt Engineering: This technique involves crafting effective prompts during the inference phase. Examples include:

    1. Chain-of-thought prompting: Guiding the model through step-by-step reasoning.

    2. Few-shot learning: Providing examples within the prompt to steer the model's behavior.

    3. Instruction-following prompts: Explicitly telling the model how to approach a task.

  2. Weight-tuning Prompt Techniques: These methods involve adjusting model weights during fine-tuning. They include:

    1. Prefix Tuning

    2. Standard Prompt Tuning

    3. P-tuning

    4. P-tuning v2

    5. Prompt Pool Tuning

    6. Multi-task Prompt Tuning

This blog post will focus on the second category, exploring various weight-tuning prompt techniques and their impact on model performance.


Prefix Tuning

Prefix Tuning is an innovative approach in the realm of prompt-based fine-tuning for large language models. Introduced by Li and Liang in 2021, this method extends the concept of prompt tuning by prepending a sequence of trainable continuous vectors to the input at every layer of the transformer architecture. Unlike traditional fine-tuning that updates all model parameters, Prefix Tuning keeps the pretrained language model frozen and only optimizes the prefix vectors, offering a more parameter-efficient alternative.


Training and Inference Process


In Prefix Tuning, we add a set of trainable vectors to each layer of the transformer model. If the model has L layers, we have L sets of prefix tokens, each set containing a fixed number of tokens (let's call this number P).

For a transformer model with L layers:

  1. We have L sets of prefix tokens: {P_1, P_2, ..., P_L}

  2. Each set P_i contains P tokens

  3. Each token is a vector of size H (hidden size of the model)

So, the total number of prefix parameters is: L*P *H

Example for a 3-layer model with 5 prefix tokens per layer:

Where Pi_j represents the j-th prefix token for the i-th layer.

Training Process

  1. Initialize prefix vectors:

    1. Create a set of trainable vectors P = {P_1, P_2, ..., P_L}, where L is the number of layers in the transformer model.

    2. Each P_i has dimensions [prefix_length, hidden_size].

  2. For each training batch:

    1. Tokenize the input text.

    2. Embed the tokens using the model's embedding layer.

    3. Prepend the first prefix vector P_1 to the embedded input.

    4. For each transformer layer i (1 to L):

      1. Prepend P_i to the output of the previous layer.

      2. Process through the layer's attention and feed-forward networks.

      3. Use the final layer's output for the downstream task (e.g., classification).

      4. Compute the loss and backpropagate, updating only the prefix vectors.

Inference Process

  1. Use the trained prefix vectors P = {P_1, P_2, ..., P_L}.

  2. Follow steps a-e from the training process.

  3. Return the model's output for the given task.

Code Example

Let's look at impact of Prefix Tuning in Sentiment Analysis

Parameter Reduction

  1. The code freezes all original model parameters and only trains the prefix vectors.

  2. For a DistilBERT-base model (66M parameters) with 10 prefix tokens per layer:

    1. Original trainable parameters: ~66 million

    2. Prefix tuning parameters: 10*6 layers*768 (hidden size) = 46,080

    3. Parameter reduction: ~99.93%

Benefits of Prefix Tokens

  1. Efficiency: Training only 0.07% of the original parameters significantly reduces computational requirements and memory usage.

  2. Task Adaptation: Prefix tokens act as task-specific "instructions" prepended to each layer, guiding the model's behavior without altering its fundamental knowledge. For instance, in Sentiment Analysis these tokens might learn to emphasize emotinal words, for NER, prefixes could guide attention to proper nouns,etc.

  3. Dataset Shifting: Prefix tokens help in adapting to new datasets by:

    1. Capturing dataset-specific features and biases

    2. Adjusting the model's attention patterns to focus on relevant information for the new task

    3. Providing a task-specific context that influences the entire processing pipelin

  4. Quick Fine-tuning: The small number of trainable parameters allows for rapid adaptation to new tasks or domains.

  5. Multi-task Efficiency: Different sets of prefix tokens can be used for different tasks, allowing a single model to be efficiently adapted to multiple tasks.

Why Prefix ? Why not middle or end tokens ?

Middle Placement:

  1. Disrupts the natural flow of text

  2. May break syntactic structures


This insertion could confuse the model about sentence structure and meaning.

End Placement:

  1. Limited influence on earlier parts of the sequence

  2. Less effective for tasks requiring early context setting


The end tokens come too late to guide the translation process effectively.


  1. Task adaptability: Easy fine-tuning for various tasks.

  2. Parameter efficiency: Few trainable parameters.

  3. Input preservation: Maintain original text structure.

  4. Model compatibility: Works with most transformer architectures.


  1. Limited context: May struggle with very long sequences.

  2. Task specificity: Prefixes might overspecialize.

  3. Interpretability: Learned prefixes can be abstract.

  4. Training complexity: Requires careful optimization.


Standard Prompt Tuning

Standard prompt tuning involves adding a small set of trainable tokens to the input sequence, typically at the beginning. These tokens are optimized during fine-tuning while keeping the pre-trained model parameters frozen.

Comparison of Prompt Tuning and Prefix Tuning

  1. Training and Inference: Prompt Tuning modifies only the input, making training and inference simpler and faster. Prefix Tuning affects each layer, allowing for more nuanced adaptations but increasing complexity and computation time.

  2. Placement and Effect: Prompt Tuning's input-level placement influences the entire model uniformly. Prefix Tuning's per-layer placement enables fine-grained control at different abstraction levels.

  3. Efficiency vs. Expressiveness: Prompt Tuning offers better parameter and computational efficiency, ideal for resource-constrained scenarios. Prefix Tuning provides greater expressiveness, suitable for complex tasks requiring deep adaptations.

  4. Implementation and Scalability: Prompt Tuning is easier to implement and scales well with model size. Prefix Tuning's complexity can be challenging for very large models but offers more adaptation potential.

  5. Use Case Considerations: Choose Prompt Tuning for simpler tasks or when efficiency is crucial. Opt for Prefix Tuning when task complexity demands more expressive power and computational resources are available.

  6. Example scenario: Sentiment Analysis

    1. Prompt Tuning might learn to emphasize emotional words in the input encoding

    2. Prefix Tuning could learn to focus on emotional words at early layers and contextual nuances at deeper layers

Code Example

Analysis of Code

  1. Parameter Efficiency:

    1. Prompt Tuning uses significantly fewer parameters (3,840) compared to Prefix Tuning (23,040).

    2. Both methods use far fewer parameters than the full model (66,955,010), demonstrating their efficiency.

  2. Performance:

    1. Both tuning methods show improved confidence in the positive sentiment compared to the base model.

    2. Prefix Tuning shows slightly higher confidence (0.9922) compared to Prompt Tuning (0.9898), potentially due to its ability to influence multiple layers.

  3. Computational Efficiency:

    1. Prompt Tuning is notably faster, taking about 41% of the time required for Prefix Tuning in this example.

    2. This speed difference is due to Prompt Tuning only modifying the input, while Prefix Tuning affects each layer.

  4. Implementation Complexity:

    1. Prompt Tuning is simpler to implement, requiring modification only at the input level.

    2. Prefix Tuning requires more complex logic to insert prefixes at each layer.

  5. Flexibility:

    1. While not directly shown in the output, Prefix Tuning's multi-layer approach allows for more nuanced adaptations, potentially beneficial for more complex tasks.

  6. Memory Usage:

    1. Prompt Tuning uses less memory during inference due to its smaller parameter count and single-point modification.

This analysis demonstrates that while Prefix Tuning offers potentially more expressive power, Prompt Tuning provides a more parameter-efficient and computationally faster alternative, making it suitable for scenarios with limited resources or simpler tasks.


  1. Simplicity: Easier to implement and train

  2. Efficiency: Fewer parameters than prefix tuning

  3. Versatility: Can be applied to various model architectures

  4. Fast Inference: No additional computation at each layer


  1. Limited Expressiveness: May underperform on complex tasks

  2. Input-Level Only: Cannot directly influence internal layers

  3. Task Specificity: Might require separate prompts for different tasks

  4. Potential Overfitting: Risk of memorizing task-specific patterns



P-tuning is an innovative approach to prompt engineering that aims to optimize the input prompt for pre-trained language models. Introduced by Liu et al. in their 2021 paper "GPT Understands, Too," p-tuning addresses the limitations of manual prompt design by automatically learning a continuous prompt embedding. This method has shown remarkable effectiveness in various natural language processing tasks, often matching or surpassing the performance of fine-tuning while updating only a small subset of the model's parameters.

Placement within the Transformer Architecture

To understand the differences between p-tuning and prefix tuning, let's visualize their placement within the transformer architecture and then discuss their effects.

Prefix Tuning Placement

P-Tuning Placement

Comparison and Effects of Placement



Prefix Tuning

Location of Modifications

Input embedding layer only

Every layer of the transformer

Number of Parameters

Smaller (e.g., 15,360)

Larger (e.g., 184,320)

Influence on Model Computations

Initial input only

Every layer

Flexibility and Expressiveness

More constrained, input-focused

More flexible, complex patterns

Task Adaptability

Classification and simple generation

Wide range, including complex reasoning

Computational Efficiency

More efficient

Slightly more intensive

Interaction with Pre-trained Knowledge

Relies more on existing knowledge

Can alter model behavior more significantly

Key Differences
  1. Modification Scope: P-tuning alters only the input embedding layer, while prefix tuning affects every transformer layer.

  2. Parameter Efficiency: P-tuning modifies fewer parameters, making it more lightweight compared to prefix tuning.

  3. Computational Impact: P-tuning influences only the initial input, whereas prefix tuning affects computations throughout the network.

  4. Flexibility: Prefix tuning offers greater flexibility to capture complex patterns across layers, while p-tuning is more constrained but effective for input-sensitive tasks.

  5. Task Suitability: P-tuning excels in classification and simple generation tasks. Prefix tuning adapts well to a broader range of tasks, including those requiring complex reasoning.

  6. Efficiency vs. Power: P-tuning is computationally more efficient, while prefix tuning provides more power to reshape the model's behavior.

  7. Knowledge Utilization: P-tuning relies more on the model's pre-trained knowledge, while prefix tuning can more significantly alter the model's behavior from its pre-trained state.

Training and Inference Process

The training and inference process for p-tuning involves several steps:


  1. Initialization:

    1. Initialize the prompt embeddings randomly.

    2. Let P = {p1, p2, ..., pm} be the set of prompt embeddings.

    3. Each pi ∈ ℝ^d, where d is the embedding dimension of the language model.

  2. Prompt Template:

    1. Define a template that includes both the trainable prompt tokens and the task-specific input.

    2. Template: T(x) = [P1, P2, ..., x, ..., Pm], where x is the task input.

  3. Forward Pass:

    1. For each training example (x, y):

      1. Construct the input sequence: s = T(x)

      2. Pass s through the language model: ŷ = LM(s)

      3. Compute the loss: L = CrossEntropyLoss(ŷ, y)

  4. Backward Pass:

    1. Compute gradients: ∇L with respect to P

    2. Update prompt embeddings: P ← P - α∇L, where α is the learning rate

  5. Iteration:

    1. Repeat steps 3-4 for multiple epochs until convergence

Mathematically, we can express the optimization objective as:

where D is the training dataset, LM is the language model, T is the template function, and L is the loss function.


During inference, the process is straightforward:

  1. Construct the input:

    1. Use the learned prompt embeddings P* and the task input x.

    2. s = T(x; P*)

  2. Generate prediction:

    1. Pass the constructed input through the language model.

    2. ŷ = LM(s)

  3. Post-processing:

    1. Depending on the task, you may need to decode or interpret the model's output to get the final prediction.

The key advantage of p-tuning during inference is that it requires no modification to the underlying language model. Only the input construction step differs from standard inference, making it efficient and easy to deploy.

By optimizing these continuous prompt embeddings, p-tuning can significantly improve performance on various NLP tasks while keeping most of the pre-trained model's parameters frozen. This approach offers a balance between the flexibility of fine-tuning and the efficiency of prompt engineering.

Code Implementation

Let's take an example of Sentiment Analysis Classfication and Sentence Generation task as an exampel for the prompt " The movie was fantastic. The sentiment is"

Analysis of Code


  1. Parameter Efficiency: Fewer trainable parameters reduce computational load.

  2. Flexibility: Captures nuanced task-specific information with continuous embeddings.

  3. Avoids Overfitting: Freezing main model parameters helps generalization.

  4. Resource-Efficient: Requires less computational resources and memory.

  5. Simpler Implementation: Easy integration into existing workflows.


  1. Limited Adaptation at Deeper Layers: Primarily influences initial representations.

  2. Less Granular Control: Uniform adaptations across the entire model.

  3. Suboptimal for Complex Tasks: May underperform on tasks needing deeper integration.

  4. Scalability Issues: Less effective for large-scale, complex tasks.

  5. Initialization Sensitivity: Requires careful initialization of continuous embeddings


P-Tuning V2

P-tuning v2 was introduced to address some limitations of the original p-tuning method:

  1. Limited expressiveness: Original p-tuning only modified the input layer, which may not be sufficient for more complex tasks.

  2. Instability in training: The original method sometimes led to unstable training, especially for smaller models.

  3. Task-specific performance: While effective for some tasks, original p-tuning didn't consistently outperform fine-tuning across a wide range of tasks.

P-tuning v2 aims to combine the parameter efficiency of prompt tuning methods with the strong performance of fine-tuning. It does this by introducing trainable prompt tokens at each layer of the transformer, similar to prefix tuning, but with a more efficient implementation.


This visualization shows how p-tuning v2 introduces prompt tokens at each layer of the transformer, unlike the original p-tuning which only modified the input layer. This placement helps achieve better performance by:

  1. Increasing expressiveness: Prompts at each layer can guide the model's computations more directly.

  2. Improving stability: Distributed prompts provide more stable gradients during training.

  3. Enhancing task adaptability: Multi-layer prompts can capture task-specific information at different levels of abstraction.

Implementation and Comparison

Again the same task as above

Analysis of P-Tuning v2 Results

Key Observations

  1. Parameter Count: P-Tuning v2 uses significantly more parameters (12x), allowing for greater expressiveness but at the cost of increased memory usage.

  2. Output Length: P-Tuning v2 generates a longer, more detailed response, suggesting it may have captured more nuanced aspects of the task.

  3. Sentiment Strength: While both correctly identify positive sentiment, P-Tuning v2 expresses it more strongly ("overwhelmingly positive"), showing a potential for more nuanced sentiment understanding.

  4. Language Complexity: P-Tuning v2 uses more sophisticated language and varied vocabulary, possibly due to its ability to influence the model at multiple layers.

  5. Specific Details: P-Tuning v2 provides more specific praise and details about the movie, indicating a potentially better grasp of the task requirements.

  6. Task Adaptation: P-Tuning v2 seems to have adapted more thoroughly to the sentiment analysis task, providing a more comprehensive and enthusiastic review.

These results suggest that P-Tuning v2's multi-layer prompt approach allows for more expressive and task-specific outputs, albeit at the cost of increased parameter count. The trade-off between performance and efficiency would need to be evaluated based on specific application requirements and available computational resources.


Prompt Pool Tuning

Prompt pool tuning is an advanced technique in the field of prompt learning, designed to address some limitations of previous methods like p-tuning and prefix tuning. It was introduced to enhance the flexibility and generalization capabilities of prompt-based fine-tuning approaches.


The main motivations behind prompt pool tuning are:

  1. Improved Generalization: To create prompts that can generalize better across different tasks and domains.

  2. Flexibility: To allow for dynamic prompt selection based on the input.

  3. Efficiency: To reduce the number of task-specific parameters while maintaining performance.

  4. Multi-task Learning: To enable a single model to handle multiple tasks effectively.

Theoretical Foundation

Lets start with explaning the key components, moving on to mathemical formulation and finally the learning process

Key Components:

  1. Prompt Pool: A set of learnable vectors that serve as task-specific prompts.

  2. Prompt Encoder: A neural network that encodes input sequences into a representation for prompt selection.

  3. Attention Mechanism: Selects and combines relevant prompts based on the input.

Mathematical Formulation

Let's break down the process mathematically:

  1. Prompt Pool: P = {p₁, p₂, ..., pₖ}, where pᵢ ∈ ℝᵈ k: number of prompts in the pool d: dimension of each prompt vector

  2. Prompt Encoder: E(x) = f(Wx + b) x: input sequence W, b: learnable parameters f: activation function (e.g., ReLU)

  3. Attention Mechanism: α = softmax(E(x)ᵀP) α: attention weights

  4. Prompt Selection: p* = ∑αᵢpᵢ p*: selected prompt combination

  5. Final Input to Model: x' = [p*; x] x': augmented input sequence

  6. Model Output: y = M(x') M: language model y: final output

Working Process

  1. Input Processing:

    1. The input sequence x is fed into the prompt encoder E(x).

  2. Prompt Selection:

    1. The encoded input is used to compute attention scores over the prompt pool.

    2. Relevant prompts are selected and combined based on these scores.

  3. Input Augmentation:

    1. The selected prompts are concatenated with the original input.

  4. Model Processing:

    1. The augmented input is processed by the language model to produce the final output.

Learning Process

During training:

  1. The prompt pool P is learned and optimized.

  2. The prompt encoder E parameters are updated.

  3. The language model M is fine-tuned (optional, depending on the specific approach).

The objective is to minimize the task-specific loss: L = loss(y, y_true)

Gradients flow back through the model, updating all learnable components.

A viz. summaring the learning/working process

Analogy: The Gourmet Kitchen

To visualize this process, imagine a gourmet kitchen:

  1. Prompt Pool (P) → Spice rack with various spices

  2. Prompt Encoder (E) → Head chef analyzing the dish

  3. Attention Mechanism (α) → Chef's decision on which spices to use

  4. Selected Prompts (p*) → Custom spice blend for the dish

  5. Language Model (M) → Cooking process

  6. Output (y) → Final dish served

For each new dish (input), the chef (prompt encoder) examines it, selects a unique combination of spices (prompts), and incorporates them into the cooking process to enhance the final dish (output).

Common questions

These are the set of questions I had when I first learned prompt pool tuning

Q: Are the prompt pools pre-generated or are they learned?

Prompt pools are learned during the training process, not pre-generated. They start with random initialization and are optimized as the model is trained on various tasks.

Analogy: In our gourmet kitchen, the spice rack (prompt pool) isn't pre-stocked with specific blends. Instead, it starts with random assortments of spices that are refined and optimized as the kitchen prepares various dishes over time.

Q: Where does learning occur in dynamic prompt pooling, and how do components influence each other?

Learning primarily occurs in two places:

  1. The prompt pool: The prompts themselves are learned parameters.

  2. The prompt encoder: The weights of the encoder are updated during training.

While these components don't directly modify each other, they co-evolve during training. The prompt encoder's improvements influence which prompts are selected more frequently, indirectly guiding the optimization of the prompt pool.

Analogy: In our kitchen, both the spices (prompt pool) and the chef's skills (prompt encoder) improve over time. The chef doesn't directly change the spices, and the spices don't teach the chef. However, as the chef gets better at selecting spices, certain spices might be used more often, leading to their refinement.

Q: What is the role of the prompt encoder?

The primary role of the prompt encoder is to learn how to create better representations of the input for prompt selection. It doesn't directly modify the prompt pool but learns to map inputs to representations that can effectively select relevant prompts.

Analogy: The chef (prompt encoder) learns to better analyze each dish (input) to determine which spices (prompts) would complement it best. The chef doesn't create new spices but becomes more skilled at matching dishes with existing spices.

Q: How often are the prompt pool and prompt encoder updated during training? Are they updated for each sentence or batch?

During the training phase:

  1. The prompt pool and prompt encoder are typically updated on a per-batch basis, not for each individual sentence.

  2. In a standard training loop:

  3. A batch of sentences is processed through the model.

  4. The loss is computed for the entire batch.

  5. Gradients are calculated with respect to both the prompt pool and the prompt encoder.

  6. These components are then updated using an optimization algorithm (e.g., Adam, SGD).

This batch-wise update allows for more stable and efficient training compared to updating after each sentence.

During inference (after training):

  1. The prompt pool and prompt encoder weights remain fixed.

  2. Only the prompt selection process is dynamic, adapting to each input sentence.

Analogy: In our gourmet kitchen, think of training as a series of cooking classes. The spice rack (prompt pool) and the chef's skills (prompt encoder) are refined after preparing a set of dishes (batch), not after each individual dish. Once the classes are over (training is complete), the spice rack contents and the chef's fundamental skills remain constant, but they're applied uniquely to each new dish (input sentence).

Q: How are the selected prompts integrated into the model? Are they prepended like in prefix tuning, or added at specific layers?

The integration of selected prompts can vary depending on the specific implementation of dynamic prompt pooling. Common approaches include:

  1. Prepending: Similar to prefix tuning, where selected prompts are added at the beginning of the input sequence.

  2. Layer-specific integration: More akin to p-tuning v2, where prompts are added at specific layers (often including the embedding layer and some or all transformer layers).

The exact placement can be task-dependent and is often treated as a hyperparameter to be tuned. Most implementations tend to favor the layer-specific approach, as it allows for more fine-grained control over how the prompts influence the model's processing at different stages. Key differences from other methods:

  1. Unlike prefix tuning, the prepended/integrated prompts are dynamically selected for each input, not fixed.

  2. Unlike p-tuning or p-tuning v2, the prompts come from a learned pool rather than being directly optimized for each position.

Analogy: In our kitchen, think of the selected spices (prompts) as being added at different stages of the cooking process. Sometimes they're added at the beginning (prepending), while other times they're incorporated at specific stages of cooking (layer-specific integration). The key is that for each dish (input), the chef dynamically decides which spices to use and when to add them, rather than following a fixed recipe for all dishes.

Implementation and Comparison

Again the same example as before, but this time we'll comparse prompt pool tuning with prefix tuning and p-tuning v2.

Analysis of Prompt Tuning Methods


Learnable Parameters

Output Characteristics

Sentiment Capture


Prefix Tuning


Concise, positive

Basic positive


P-Tuning v2


Detailed, enthusiastic

Strong positive


Prompt Pool Tuning


Comprehensive, nuanced

Strong positive with context


Key Observations

  1. Parameter Efficiency: Prefix Tuning is the most parameter-efficient, while P-Tuning v2 and Prompt Pool Tuning use significantly more parameters.

  2. Output Quality: Both P-Tuning v2 and Prompt Pool Tuning produce more detailed and nuanced outputs compared to Prefix Tuning.

  3. Sentiment Capture: P-Tuning v2 and Prompt Pool Tuning capture stronger positive sentiment and provide more context.

  4. Flexibility: Prompt Pool Tuning potentially offers the highest flexibility due to its dynamic prompt selection mechanism.

Note: This comparison is based on a single example and simplified implementations. Real-world performance may vary and would require extensive testing across various tasks and datasets.


  1. Offers dynamic prompt selection, adapting to different inputs.

  2. Balances parameter efficiency and expressiveness.

  3. Potentially more generalizable to unseen tasks or inputs.


  1. More complex to implement and tune compared to simpler methods.

  2. May require careful design of the prompt pool and selection mechanism.


Multi-Task Prompt Tuning

Multi-task prompt tuning is an extension of prompt tuning techniques designed to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. It aims to leverage a shared set of prompts across different tasks while allowing for task-specific adaptations. This approach seeks to balance the efficiency of shared parameters with the specificity required for individual tasks.

Key Components

  1. Shared Prompt Pool: A set of learnable prompts shared across all tasks.

  2. Task-Specific Prompt Selectors: Mechanisms to select relevant prompts for each task.

  3. Task Encoders: Components that encode task-specific information.

Mathematical Formulation

  1. Shared Prompt Pool: P = {p₁, p₂, ..., pₖ}, where pᵢ ∈ ℝᵈ k: number of prompts in the pool and d is the dimension of each prompt vector

  2. Task-Specific Selector for task t:

    1. St(x) = softmax(Wt · E(x) + bt) Wt,

    2. bt: learnable parameters for task t

    3. E(x): encoded input

  3. Task-Specific Prompt Selection: pt* = ∑ St,i(x) · pi pt*: selected prompt combination for task t

  4. Augmented Input for task t: xt' = [pt*; x]

  5. Model Output for task t: yt = Mt(xt') Mt: task-specific model or output layer

  6. Multi-Task Loss:

    1. L = ∑ αt · Lt(yt, yt_true)

    2. αt: task-specific weight

    3. Lt: loss function for task t

Working Process

  1. Input Processing:

    1. For a given input x and task t, encode the input and task information.

  2. Prompt Selection:

    1. Use the task-specific selector to compute attention scores over the shared prompt pool.

    2. Combine prompts based on these scores to create a task-specific prompt.

  3. Input Augmentation:

    1. Prepend or integrate the selected task-specific prompt with the input.

  4. Task-Specific Processing:

    1. Pass the augmented input through the model, potentially with task-specific components.

  5. Output Generation:

    1. Produce task-specific outputs.

  6. Training:

    1. Compute the multi-task loss.

    2. Update shared prompts, task-specific selectors, and model parameters.

A viz. to go along with the explanation

Practical Example

Consider three NLP tasks: Sentiment Analysis, Named Entity Recognition (NER), and Question Answering (QA).

  1. Input: "Apple Inc. released a new iPhone model last week. How was it received?"

  2. Tasks: Sentiment Analysis (for "received"), NER (identify "Apple Inc." and "iPhone"), QA (answer based on additional context)

  3. Process:

    1. Shared prompts are selected and combined differently for each task.

    2. Sentiment Analysis might focus on prompts related to product reception.

    3. NER would select prompts helpful for identifying companies and products.

    4. QA would use prompts that aid in understanding the question and formulating an answer.

    5. Outputs: Sentiment score, identified entities, and a generated answer.

A question I had ...

Q: If the task is NER, how does the task-specific selector know that the task is NER?

The task-specific selector is typically informed about the task in one of several ways:

  1. Task ID: Each task is assigned a unique identifier, which is provided as an additional input to the model.

  2. Task Embedding: A learned embedding for each task is used as input to the selector.

  3. Task-specific Selector: Each task has its own dedicated selector that is invoked when that task is being performed.

When processing an input for NER, the system would explicitly use the NER task ID, embedding, or selector. This information guides the prompt selection process to choose prompts that are relevant for entity recognition. Analogy: In our kitchen, when an order for a specific cuisine comes in, it's marked with the cuisine type. The appropriate chef (selector) for that cuisine is then called upon to handle the order, knowing exactly which cuisine-specific techniques and spice combinations to apply.

Multi-Task Prompt Tuning vs. Prompt Pool Tuning Comparison


Prompt Pool Tuning

Multi-Task Prompt Tuning

Primary Focus

Single task with dynamic input adaptation

Multiple tasks with shared resources

Prompt Pool

Single shared pool

Single shared pool, potentially with task-specific sections

Selection Mechanism


Task and input-dependent

Task Handling

Implicit through input variation

Explicit with task-specific selectors


Good for input variety within a task

Excellent for multiple distinct tasks

Parameter Efficiency

Moderate (shared pool for one task)

High (shared pool across multiple tasks)



Higher due to task-specific components

Training Process

Single task objective

Multi-task objective with potential for task weighting


Adapts to input variations

Adapts to both task and input variations

Analogy (Kitchen)

One cuisine with dish-specific spice selection

Multiple cuisines sharing a central spice rack

Key Similarities

  1. Both use a shared pool of prompts.

  2. Both employ dynamic selection mechanisms.

  3. Both aim to balance parameter efficiency with adaptability.

Key Differences

  1. Multi-task version explicitly handles different tasks.

  2. Multi-task has task-specific selection mechanisms.

  3. Multi-task typically involves a more complex training process with multiple objectives.


Analysis of Multi-Task Prompt Tuning Outputs

  1. NER Task

    1. Correctly identified "Apple" as B-ORG and "inc" as I-ORG.

    2. Demonstrates token-level classification capability.

    3. Potential for improvement in recognizing other entities (e.g., "iPhone" not tagged as a product).

  2. Sentiment Analysis

    1. Accurately classified the negative movie review.

    2. Shows ability to capture overall sentence sentiment.

    3. Binary classification (positive/negative) performed well in this example.

  3. Question Answering

    1. Extracted "alexander graham bell" as the answer.

    2. Showcases span prediction ability within the given context.

    3. Correct identification of the relevant information, though the capitalization was lost.


  1. Efficient use of model parameters by sharing a common prompt pool across tasks.

  2. Potential for improved generalization through learning shared representations.

  3. Flexibility to handle multiple tasks with a single model architecture.

  4. Reduced training time and computational resources compared to training separate models for each task.

  5. Possibility of transfer learning between related tasks.


  1. Increased complexity in model design and training process.

  2. Potential for negative transfer between unrelated tasks.

  3. Balancing performance across multiple tasks can be challenging.

  4. May require careful tuning of task-specific weights in the loss function.

  5. Not all tasks may benefit equally from the shared prompt pool.


Comparison of Prompt Tuning Techniques

The following table compares the key characteristics of the prompt tuning techniques discussed:


Prompt Type

Parameter Efficiency

Multi-Task Capability



Prefix Tuning












P-tuning v2






Prompt Pool Tuning






Multi-task Prompt Tuning



Very High

Very High


  1. Parameter Efficiency: P-tuning and Prompt Pool Tuning offer high efficiency, modifying fewer parameters.

  2. Multi-Task Capability: Multi-task Prompt Tuning excels in handling multiple tasks simultaneously.

  3. Flexibility: P-tuning v2, Prompt Pool Tuning, and Multi-task Prompt Tuning provide high adaptability to different tasks.

  4. Complexity: Simpler techniques like P-tuning are easier to implement, while more advanced methods like Prompt Pool Tuning offer greater capabilities at the cost of increased complexity.


Selecting the Right Prompt Tuning Approach

  1. For multiple tasks with high flexibility requirements, Multi-task Prompt Tuning is ideal.

  2. If handling multiple tasks but with moderate flexibility needs, consider Prompt Pool Tuning.

  3. For single-task scenarios prioritizing parameter efficiency:

    1. Choose P-tuning for simple, efficient prompting.

    2. Opt for P-tuning v2 if deeper model integration is necessary.

  4. When parameter efficiency is less critical, Prefix Tuning offers a good balance of simplicity and effectiveness.

Ultimately, the choice of prompt tuning technique should be guided by the specific requirements of the task, available computational resources, and the desired balance between efficiency and performance.




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