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Mastering Masked Language Models: Techniques, Comparisons, and Best Practices

Updated: Jun 28

Masked Language Modeling (MLM) is a revolutionary technique in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that has significantly advanced our ability to train large language models. At its core, MLM is a self-supervised learning method that enables models to understand context and predict words based on their surroundings.

What is Masked Language Modeling?

MLM involves deliberately hiding (or "masking") some words in a sentence and then tasking the model with predicting these masked words. For instance, given the sentence "The [MASK] dog chased the ball," the model would be trained to predict the word "brown" or another suitable adjective for "dog."

This approach differs from traditional language models that predict the next word given the previous words. Instead, MLM allows the model to consider both left and right contexts, leading to a more nuanced understanding of language

Why is MLM Used?

  1. Bidirectional Context: Unlike traditional left-to-right language models, MLM enables models to capture context from both directions, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of language.

  2. Self-Supervised Learning: MLM allows models to learn from vast amounts of unlabeled text data, reducing the need for expensive and time-consuming manual labeling.

  3. Robust Representations: By predicting masked words, models learn to create rich, contextual representations of words that can be fine-tuned for various downstream tasks.

  4. Handling Ambiguity: MLM helps models better handle ambiguous words by forcing them to consider the entire context rather than just the preceding words.

Why is MLM Required?

MLM has become a crucial component in modern NLP for several reasons:

  1. Improved Performance: Models pre-trained with MLM have shown significant improvements in various NLP tasks, from sentiment analysis to question answering.

  2. Transfer Learning: MLM enables effective transfer learning, where a model pre-trained on a large corpus can be fine-tuned for specific tasks with relatively small amounts of labeled data.

  3. Contextual Understanding: As language is inherently contextual, MLM helps models capture nuances and subtleties that are crucial for advanced language understanding.

  4. Efficiency in Training: Despite its complexity, MLM allows for more efficient training of large language models compared to traditional methods.

  5. Addressing Limitations: MLM helps address some limitations of earlier techniques, such as the inability to incorporate bidirectional context effectively.

Masked Language Modeling Techniques: An Overview

Masked Language Modeling (MLM) has revolutionized natural language processing, enabling models to capture bidirectional context and achieve state-of-the-art performance on various tasks. Since the introduction of BERT, several innovative masking techniques have emerged, each with its own strengths and use cases. Let's explore these techniques:

1. BERT-style Masking

BERT introduced the concept of MLM, where 15% of input tokens are randomly masked, and the model is trained to predict these masked tokens. This approach allows the model to capture bidirectional context effectively.

Key Features:

  • Random token masking

  • 15% of tokens are masked

  • Introduces [MASK] token during pre-training

2. Whole Word Masking

Whole Word Masking (WWM) improves upon BERT by masking entire words instead of subword tokens. This technique helps the model better understand complete words and multi-word expressions.

Key Features:

  • Masks entire words, including all subword tokens

  • Improves handling of multi-word expressions

  • Particularly effective for languages with many compound words

3. SpanBERT

SpanBERT extends the idea of masking by focusing on contiguous spans of tokens rather than individual tokens or words. This approach helps the model capture longer-range dependencies and improve performance on span-based tasks.

Key Features:

  • Masks spans of contiguous tokens

  • Introduces Span Boundary Objective (SBO)

  • Particularly effective for tasks like question answering and coreference resolution

4. RoBERTa Dynamic Masking

RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT Approach) introduces dynamic masking, where the masking pattern is generated on-the-fly instead of being static throughout training. This technique, combined with other optimizations, significantly improves BERT's performance.

Key Features:

  • Generates new masking pattern for each training sample

  • Removes Next Sentence Prediction (NSP) task

  • Uses larger batch sizes and more training data

5. ELECTRA: Replaced Token Detection

ELECTRA introduces a novel approach called replaced token detection. Instead of masking tokens, it replaces some tokens with plausible alternatives and trains a discriminator to detect which tokens have been replaced.

Key Features:

  • Replaces tokens instead of masking them

  • Uses a generator-discriminator architecture

  • More sample-efficient than traditional MLM

6. XLNet: Permutation Language Modeling

XLNet introduces Permutation Language Modeling, a technique that considers all possible permutations of the factorization order. This approach allows the model to capture bidirectional context while avoiding the pretrain-finetune discrepancy present in BERT-style models.

Key Features:

  • Considers all possible factorization orders

  • Uses two-stream attention mechanism

  • Particularly effective for tasks requiring complex reasoning.

Each of these techniques builds upon its predecessors, addressing limitations and introducing novel ideas to improve model performance. While they all fall under the umbrella of Masked Language Modeling, their unique approaches make them suitable for different scenarios and tasks.

To truly understand the nuances, strengths, and potential applications of each technique, I encourage you to explore the detailed blog posts linked above. These in-depth articles will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how each method works, their theoretical foundations, and practical implications for various NLP tasks.

By mastering these different MLM techniques, you'll be well-equipped to choose the most appropriate approach for your specific natural language processing challenges, ultimately leading to more effective and efficient models.

Comparative Analysis of Masked Language Modeling Approaches

As the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has evolved, various approaches to Masked Language Modeling (MLM) have emerged, each with its own unique characteristics and advantages. To better understand these approaches, we've compiled a comprehensive comparison table that examines several key aspects of each technique. This analysis will help you grasp the nuances of each method and make informed decisions about which approach might be best suited for your specific NLP tasks.

Table Overview

The comparison table covers six prominent MLM approaches:'

  1. BERT-style Masking

  2. Whole Word Masking

  3. SpanBERT

  4. RoBERTa Dynamic Masking

  5. ELECTRA Token Replacement

  6. XLNet Permutation Language Modeling (PLM)

These approaches are compared across 15 different aspects, providing a multifaceted view of their characteristics and capabilities.

Key Aspects Analyzed

  1. Basic Concept: This aspect outlines the fundamental idea behind each approach, showing how they differ in their core methodology.

  2. Masking Strategy: This highlights the specific technique used for masking or modifying input tokens during pretraining.

  3. Bidirectional Context: All approaches leverage bidirectional context, which is a key strength of MLM techniques.

  4. Handling of Subwords: This aspect is crucial for understanding how each method deals with the complexities of tokenization.

  5. Pretraining Objective: The pretraining objective can significantly impact the model's capabilities and performance on downstream tasks.

  6. Context Utilization: This shows how each approach leverages contextual information during pretraining.

  7. Training Stability: Stability during training is important for reproducibility and ease of implementation.

  8. Computational Efficiency: This aspect is crucial for understanding the resources required to train and deploy these models.

  9. Pretrain-Finetune Discrepancy: This highlights a key challenge in transfer learning for NLP.

  10. Handling Long-range Dependencies: The ability to capture long-range dependencies is crucial for many NLP tasks.

  11. Token Independence Assumption: This assumption can impact the model's ability to capture complex linguistic patterns.

  12. Suitability for Generation Tasks: While primarily designed for understanding tasks, some approaches are more suitable for generation than others.

  13. Implementation Complexity: This aspect is important for practitioners considering which approach to adopt.

  14. Main Advantage: Highlights the key strength of each approach.

  15. Main Disadvantage: Points out the primary limitation or challenge of each method.

Table: Comparison of Language Modeling Approaches


BERT-style Masking

Whole Word Masking


RoBERTa Dynamic Masking

ELECTRA Token Replacement


Basic Concept

Masks 15% of tokens randomly

Masks entire words instead of subword tokens

Masks contiguous spans of tokens

Dynamically generates masking pattern for each training sample

Replaces some tokens with plausible alternatives

Predicts tokens based on all possible permutations of the sequence

Masking Strategy

Random token masking

Whole word masking

Contiguous span masking

Dynamic random token masking

Token replacement

No explicit masking, uses permutations

Bidirectional Context







Handling of Subwords

May mask individual subwords

Keeps subwords of a word together

May split spans across subwords

May mask individual subwords

May replace individual subwords

Treats subwords as individual tokens

Pretraining Objective

Masked Language Modeling (MLM) + Next Sentence Prediction (NSP)


Span Boundary Objective (SBO) + Sentence Boundary Objective

MLM (no NSP)

Replaced Token Detection

Permutation Language Modeling

Context Utilization

Uses left and right context

Uses left and right context

Uses left and right context, emphasizes span boundaries

Uses left and right context

Uses left and right context

Uses all possible context orderings

Training Stability




More stable than BERT


Can be less stable due to complexity

Computational Efficiency


Similar to BERT

Similar to BERT

More efficient due to dynamic masking

More efficient than BERT

Less efficient, higher computational cost

Pretrain-Finetune Discrepancy

Present due to [MASK] token

Present due to [MASK] token

Present due to [MASK] token

Present due to [MASK] token

Minimal (no [MASK] token)

Minimal (no [MASK] token)

Handling Long-range Dependencies

Limited by fixed-length attention

Limited by fixed-length attention

Better than BERT due to span masking

Limited by fixed-length attention

Limited by fixed-length attention

Better due to permutation and Transformer-XL integration

Token Independence Assumption

Assumes masked tokens are independent

Assumes masked words are independent

Relaxes independence assumption within spans

Assumes masked tokens are independent

Doesn't assume independence

Doesn't assume independence

Suitability for Generation Tasks





Better than BERT-style models

Good (retains autoregressive property)

Implementation Complexity


Similar to BERT



Higher than BERT

Highest among these approaches

Main Advantage

Effective bidirectional pretraining

Better handling of whole words and multi-word expressions

Better span and sentence-level representations

More robust due to dynamic masking

Learns from all tokens, not just masked ones

Captures complex dependencies and maintains consistency between pretraining and finetuning

Main Disadvantage

Discrepancy between pretraining and finetuning

Still has pretraining-finetuning discrepancy

Complexity in span selection and boundary prediction

Requires more training compute

More complex model architecture

High computational complexity and potential training instability

Key Observations

  1. Evolution of Masking Strategies: We can observe a clear evolution from simple random masking (BERT) to more sophisticated strategies like span masking (SpanBERT) and dynamic masking (RoBERTa). This progression aims to capture more complex linguistic structures and improve training efficiency.

  2. Bidirectional Context: All approaches leverage bidirectional context, which has proven to be a crucial factor in the success of these models across various NLP tasks.

  3. Handling of Subwords: Whole Word Masking stands out in its treatment of subwords, keeping them together during masking. This can be particularly beneficial for languages with many compound words or for tasks that require understanding of complete words.

  4. Pretraining Objectives: There's a trend towards more sophisticated pretraining objectives, from the simple MLM+NSP in BERT to the Span Boundary Objective in SpanBERT and the Permutation Language Modeling in XLNet. These evolving objectives aim to capture more nuanced linguistic information.

  5. Computational Efficiency: While most approaches are similar to or more efficient than BERT, XLNet stands out as being computationally more expensive. This highlights the trade-off between model sophistication and computational requirements.

  6. Pretrain-Finetune Discrepancy: ELECTRA and XLNet address the pretrain-finetune discrepancy present in BERT-style models, which could lead to better transfer learning performance.

  7. Long-range Dependencies: SpanBERT and XLNet show improvements in handling long-range dependencies, which can be crucial for tasks involving longer sequences or requiring broader context understanding.

  8. Token Independence Assumption: Later models like ELECTRA and XLNet relax the token independence assumption, potentially allowing for better modeling of interdependencies between tokens.

  9. Implementation Complexity: There's a general trend of increasing implementation complexity as we move from BERT to more sophisticated models like ELECTRA and XLNet. This could impact the ease of adoption and deployment of these models.

  10. Trade-offs: Each approach presents a unique set of trade-offs. For example, XLNet offers sophisticated permutation-based learning but at the cost of higher computational complexity and potential training instability.

In conclusion, this comparison reveals the rapid evolution of MLM techniques, each building upon its predecessors to address limitations and introduce novel ideas. The choice of which approach to use depends on various factors including the specific task at hand, available computational resources, and the desired balance between model sophistication and ease of implementation.

Impact of MLM Techniques on NLP Task Performance: A Comparative Analysis

As Masked Language Modeling (MLM) techniques have evolved, their impact on various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks has been significant and varied. This analysis examines a comprehensive comparison table that showcases the performance of different MLM approaches across a wide range of NLP tasks. By understanding these performance differences, researchers and practitioners can make informed decisions about which MLM technique to use for specific applications.

NLP Tasks Analyzed

These approaches are compared across 14 different NLP tasks, providing a broad view of their capabilities and strengths

  1. Question Answering (e.g., SQuAD v1.1/v2.0)

  2. Named Entity Recognition (e.g., CoNLL-2003)

  3. Text Classification (e.g., GLUE benchmark)

  4. Natural Language Inference (e.g., MNLI)

  5. Sentiment Analysis (e.g., SST-2)

  6. Coreference Resolution

  7. Sentence Pair Classification (e.g., MRPC, QQP)

  8. Semantic Role Labeling

  9. Summarization

  10. Machine Translation

  11. Paraphrase Generation

  12. Text Generation

  13. Few-shot Learning

  14. Long Document Classification

Table: Impact of MLM Techniques on NLP Task Performance

NLP Task

BERT-style Masking

Whole Word Masking


RoBERTa Dynamic Masking

ELECTRA Token Replacement


Question Answering (e.g., SQuAD v1.1/v2.0)

Good performance, set initial SOTA

Slight improvement over BERT

Significant improvement, especially for multi-sentence reasoning

State-of-the-art performance at time of release

Competitive performance, especially efficient for smaller models

State-of-the-art performance at time of release, particularly strong on v2.0

Named Entity Recognition (e.g., CoNLL-2003)

Strong performance

Improved performance over BERT, especially for multi-token entities

Further improvement, beneficial for entity spans

State-of-the-art performance

Competitive performance, especially efficient for smaller models

Comparable to RoBERTa, slight improvements in some cases

Text Classification (e.g., GLUE benchmark)

Strong baseline performance

Slight improvement over BERT

Comparable to BERT, with improvements on some tasks

Significant improvements across most GLUE tasks

Strong performance, often comparable to RoBERTa with smaller model size

State-of-the-art on several GLUE tasks at time of release

Natural Language Inference (e.g., MNLI)

Good performance

Slight improvement over BERT

Improved performance, especially for longer sequences

State-of-the-art performance at time of release

Competitive performance, especially efficient for smaller models

State-of-the-art performance at time of release

Sentiment Analysis (e.g., SST-2)

Strong performance

Slight improvement over BERT

Comparable to BERT

State-of-the-art performance

Strong performance, comparable to RoBERTa

Comparable to RoBERTa, slight improvements in some cases

Coreference Resolution

Good performance

Improved performance over BERT

Significant improvement due to span-based pretraining

Further improvement over SpanBERT

Not specifically tested, but expected to be competitive

Strong performance, especially for long-range coreference

Sentence Pair Classification (e.g., MRPC, QQP)

Strong performance

Slight improvement over BERT

Improved performance, especially for sentences with shared entities

State-of-the-art performance on most tasks

Strong performance, comparable to RoBERTa

State-of-the-art on several tasks at time of release

Semantic Role Labeling

Good performance

Improved performance over BERT

Significant improvement due to span-based pretraining

Further improvement over SpanBERT

Not specifically tested, but expected to be competitive

Strong performance, especially for long-range dependencies


Reasonable performance

Slight improvement over BERT

Improved performance, especially for extractive summarization

Strong performance, especially when fine-tuned

Good performance, efficient for smaller models

Strong performance, especially good at capturing long-range dependencies

Machine Translation

Not directly applicable, but useful for fine-tuning

Similar to BERT

Improved performance in low-resource settings

Strong performance in fine-tuning scenarios

Not specifically tested for MT

Good performance, especially beneficial for long sequences

Paraphrase Generation

Moderate performance

Slight improvement over BERT

Improved performance due to better span representations

Strong performance

Good performance, efficient for smaller models

Strong performance, especially good at maintaining coherence

Text Generation

Limited capability

Limited capability

Limited capability

Limited capability

Improved capability over BERT-style models

Strong performance due to autoregressive pretraining

Few-shot Learning

Moderate performance

Slight improvement over BERT

Improved performance, especially for tasks involving spans

Strong performance

Very strong performance, especially for smaller models

Strong performance, especially for complex reasoning tasks

Long Document Classification

Moderate performance, limited by sequence length

Similar to BERT

Improved performance due to better long-range understanding

Strong performance with longer sequence training

Good performance, efficient for smaller models

Very strong performance due to Transformer-XL integration

Key Observations

  1. Consistent Improvement Over BERT: Across almost all tasks, newer techniques show improvements over the original BERT model. This highlights the rapid progress in the field and the effectiveness of innovations in MLM approaches.

  2. RoBERTa's Strong Performance: RoBERTa consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance across many tasks at its time of release. This underscores the effectiveness of dynamic masking and other optimizations introduced by RoBERTa.

  3. SpanBERT's Strength in Span-based Tasks: SpanBERT shows significant improvements in tasks that benefit from span-level understanding, such as question answering, coreference resolution, and semantic role labeling. This demonstrates the value of its span-based pretraining approach.

  4. ELECTRA's Efficiency: ELECTRA consistently shows competitive performance, especially for smaller model sizes. This makes it an attractive option for scenarios with limited computational resources.

  5. XLNet's Versatility: XLNet demonstrates strong performance across a wide range of tasks, particularly excelling in tasks requiring complex reasoning or handling of long-range dependencies. Its autoregressive pretraining also gives it an edge in text generation tasks.

  6. Task-Specific Strengths: Different models show particular strengths in certain tasks:

    1. Question Answering: SpanBERT, RoBERTa, and XLNet excel

    2. Named Entity Recognition: RoBERTa sets the state-of-the-art

    3. Text Classification: RoBERTa and XLNet show significant improvements

    4. Coreference Resolution: SpanBERT and XLNet perform strongly

    5. Summarization: XLNet and RoBERTa demonstrate strong performance

  7. Improvements in Long-Range Understanding: Models like SpanBERT and XLNet show improved performance in tasks requiring long-range understanding, such as long document classification and coreference resolution.

  8. Limited Capabilities in Generation Tasks: Most BERT-style models show limited capability in text generation tasks, with XLNet and ELECTRA showing improvements due to their unique pretraining approaches.

  9. Few-shot Learning Performance: ELECTRA and XLNet demonstrate strong performance in few-shot learning scenarios, which is crucial for applications with limited labeled data.

  10. Trade-offs in Model Size and Performance: While larger models often perform better, ELECTRA shows that competitive performance can be achieved with smaller, more efficient models.

This comparison reveals that while all advanced MLM techniques offer improvements over the original BERT model, each has its own strengths and is particularly well-suited for certain types of NLP tasks. The choice of which model to use depends on the specific task requirements, available computational resources, and the need for task-specific fine-tuning.

RoBERTa and XLNet often lead in performance across a wide range of tasks, but ELECTRA offers a compelling balance of performance and efficiency. SpanBERT shines in span-based tasks, making it a strong choice for applications like question answering and coreference resolution.

As the field of NLP continues to evolve, we can expect further innovations that push the boundaries of performance across these and other language understanding and generation tasks.


  1. Performance comparisons are general trends based on published results at the time of each model's release. Actual performance can vary based on specific implementations, model sizes, and benchmarks used.

  2. "State-of-the-art" references are with respect to the time of each model's release.

  3. Performance on specific tasks may have been superseded by more recent models or techniques.

  4. The table focuses on core NLP tasks; performance on specialized or domain-specific tasks may vary.

MLM Technique Selection Flowchart: A Detailed Guide

The provided flowchart offers a structured approach to selecting the most appropriate Masked Language Modeling (MLM) technique for various natural language processing scenarios. Let's break down the decision-making process and explore the rationale behind each path.

Masked Language Modelling Selection Flowchart

Starting Point

The flowchart begins with a crucial question: "Is computational efficiency crucial?"

This initial decision point acknowledges that computational resources can be a limiting factor in many real-world applications. The answer to this question significantly influences the subsequent path through the flowchart.

Path 1: Computational Efficiency is Crucial

If computational efficiency is a priority, the flowchart leads to a choice between two options based on the nature of the task:

  1. For token-level tasks, ELECTRA is recommended.

  2. For span-level tasks, SpanBERT is suggested.

This bifurcation recognizes that while both ELECTRA and SpanBERT are computationally efficient, they have different strengths. ELECTRA's token replacement strategy makes it particularly effective for token-level tasks, while SpanBERT's span-based approach is more suitable for tasks involving continuous spans of text.

Path 2: Computational Efficiency is Not Crucial

If computational efficiency is not a primary concern, the flowchart opens up more options, starting with the question: "Is the task primarily generation-based?"

Generation-Based Tasks

For generation-based tasks, XLNet is recommended. This is due to XLNet's permutation-based approach and autoregressive property, which make it particularly well-suited for text generation tasks.

Non-Generation Tasks

For non-generation tasks, the flowchart considers the importance of long-range dependencies:

  1. If long-range dependencies are important and the input is very long, XLNet is again recommended due to its integration with Transformer-XL.

  2. For tasks with important long-range dependencies but not excessively long input, SpanBERT is suggested.

  3. If long-range dependencies are not crucial, the decision is based on whether the task is primarily classification or question-answering (QA):

    1. For classification tasks, RoBERTa is recommended.

    2. For QA tasks, SpanBERT is suggested for extractive QA, while RoBERTa is recommended for other types of QA.

Alternative Paths

The flowchart also provides alternative decision paths for cases where the initial questions don't lead to a clear choice:

  1. If dealing with many multi-word expressions, Whole Word Masking is recommended.

  2. For a balanced, general-purpose model, BERT or RoBERTa are suggested.

  3. For specific task requirements:

    1. Entity Recognition: Whole Word Masking or SpanBERT

    2. Coreference Resolution: SpanBERT

    3. Sentence Pair Tasks: RoBERTa or XLNet

    4. Few-shot Learning: ELECTRA or XLNet

Key Takeaways

  1. The flowchart prioritizes computational efficiency as a primary deciding factor, reflecting real-world constraints.

  2. It recognizes the strengths of each MLM technique for specific types of tasks (e.g., XLNet for generation, SpanBERT for span-level tasks).

  3. Long-range dependencies are given significant consideration, influencing the choice between techniques like XLNet and SpanBERT.

  4. The flowchart acknowledges that some techniques (like BERT and RoBERTa) can serve as good general-purpose models.

  5. Task-specific recommendations are provided for specialized NLP tasks, demonstrating the nuanced strengths of different MLM approaches.


The evolution of Masked Language Modeling (MLM) techniques has significantly advanced the field of Natural Language Processing, offering researchers and practitioners a diverse toolkit for tackling a wide array of language understanding and generation tasks. From BERT's groundbreaking approach to XLNet's innovative permutation-based learning, each technique explored in this blog brings unique strengths to the table.

The comprehensive analysis presented reveals that while all advanced MLM techniques offer improvements over the original BERT model, their performance varies across different NLP tasks. RoBERTa and XLNet often lead in performance across a wide range of tasks, showcasing the power of dynamic masking and permutation-based learning respectively. ELECTRA offers a compelling balance of performance and efficiency, making it an attractive option for resource-constrained environments. SpanBERT excels in span-based tasks, demonstrating the value of its focused pretraining approach.

The choice of which MLM technique to use is not one-size-fits-all. As the selection flowchart illustrates, factors such as computational efficiency, task type, the importance of long-range dependencies, and specific task requirements all play crucial roles in determining the most suitable approach. For instance, ELECTRA shines in token-level tasks when efficiency is paramount, while XLNet is the go-to choice for generation tasks or scenarios involving very long inputs.

It's important to note that the field of NLP is rapidly evolving. While the techniques discussed here represent the current state-of-the-art, new innovations are constantly emerging. Researchers and practitioners should stay abreast of the latest developments and be prepared to adapt their approaches as new techniques and benchmarks emerge.

In conclusion, the diverse landscape of MLM techniques offers a rich set of tools for advancing natural language understanding and generation. By carefully considering the strengths and trade-offs of each approach, and aligning them with specific task requirements and resource constraints, NLP practitioners can leverage these powerful techniques to push the boundaries of what's possible in language AI.

As the field looks to the future, further innovations can be expected that not only improve performance but also address current limitations such as computational efficiency and model interpretability. The journey of MLM techniques is far from over, and the next breakthrough could be just around the corner, ready to unlock new possibilities in our interaction with and understanding of language.


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