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Comprehensive Guide to Advanced Tokenization Techniques in NLP

In the era of transformers and large language models (LLMs), tokenization often fades into the background, overshadowed by discussions of model architectures and training techniques. However, understanding tokenization is crucial - it's the fundamental process that bridges the gap between human-readable text and the numerical sequences that machines can process.

This blog post illuminates the often-overlooked world of advanced tokenization techniques, each building upon its predecessors to solve increasingly complex challenges in Natural Language Processing (NLP).

1. Byte Pair Encoding (BPE)

BPE is the foundation upon which many modern tokenization techniques are built.

Key features

  1. Iteratively merges the most frequent pair of bytes or characters.

  2. Creates a balance between vocabulary size and token length.

Example: Consider the words "low", "lower", "newest". BPE might create tokens:

['low', 'er', 'ne', 'w', 'est']

For a deep dive into BPE, visit the dedicated BPE blog post.

2. WordPiece Tokenization

WordPiece builds on BPE by introducing a more sophisticated merging criterion.

Key features:

  1. Uses a likelihood-based approach for merging.

  2. Incorporates special tokens like [UNK] and ##.

Example: The same words with WordPiece might result in:

['low', 'er', 'new', '##est']

Note the '##' prefix for subwords that don't start a word.

Explore WordPiece in-depth in the WordPiece blog post.

3. Byte-Level BPE

Byte-Level BPE takes BPE a step further by operating on bytes instead of characters.

Key features:

  1. Works with a fixed initial vocabulary of 256 byte values.

  2. Language-agnostic and can handle any input.

Example: The word "hello" in bytes:

[104, 101, 108, 108, 111]

Might be tokenized as:

[104, 101, [108, 108], 111]

Dive into the byte-level approach in the Byte-Level BPE blog post.

4. BPE Dropout

BPE Dropout introduces randomness to BPE, enhancing model robustness.

Key features:

  1. Randomly drops merges during tokenization.

  2. Improves handling of rare and unseen words.

Example: The word "unbelievable" might be tokenized differently in each training iteration:

['un', 'believe', 'able'] ['un', 'believ', 'able'] ['un', 'be', 'liev', 'able']

Discover the power of randomness in the BPE Dropout blog post.

5. Subword Regularization with BPE

This technique extends the idea of BPE Dropout to create multiple valid segmentations.

Key features:

  1. Samples different segmentations during training.

  2. Improves model generalization.

Example: For "unbelievable", it might consider multiple valid segmentations with probabilities:

('un', 'believe', 'able'): 0.6 ('un', 'believ', 'able'): 0.3 ('un', 'be', 'liev', 'able'): 0.1

Learn about this probabilistic approach in the Subword Regularization blog post.

6. Dynamic BPE

Dynamic BPE allows the vocabulary to evolve, addressing the limitations of static vocabularies.

Key features:

  1. Adapts vocabulary during fine-tuning or inference.

  2. Handles emerging vocabulary effectively.

Example: If fine-tuning on medical text, it might learn new merges for "Cardiomyopathy" as:

['cardi', 'o', 'my', 'opathy'] -> ['cardiomy', 'opathy']

Explore this adaptive technique in our Dynamic BPE blog post.

Combining Advanced Tokenization Approaches: A Comprehensive Workflow

The graph illustrates a comprehensive workflow for applying various tokenization techniques to a corpus, showcasing how different approaches can be combined and when they might be applied. Let's break down the process step by step:

Training Phase

  1. Input Corpus: We start with our raw text data.

  2. Preprocessing: This step involves cleaning the text, handling special characters, etc.

  3. Tokenization Approach: Here, we decide between a basic approach (Standard BPE) or an advanced tokenization pipeline.

  4. Advanced Tokenization Pipeline:

    1. Byte-Level BPE: This forms the foundation of our advanced approach, offering language-agnostic tokenization. b.

    2. Regularization Decision: We then decide whether to apply regularization techniques.

      1. If yes, we proceed with BPE Dropout, followed by Subword Regularization.

      2. If no, we maintain a static vocabulary.

    3. Domain Adaptation: Next, we consider whether to implement domain adaptation.

      1. If yes, we apply Dynamic BPE, allowing the vocabulary to evolve.

      2. If no, we finalize our vocabulary as is.

  5. If yes, we proceed with BPE Dropout, followed by Subword Regularization.

  6. If no, we maintain a static vocabulary.

  7. Final Vocabulary: This is the resulting vocabulary from our chosen tokenization pipeline.

  8. Tokenize Corpus: We apply our final vocabulary (whether from the basic or advanced approach) to tokenize the entire corpus.

  9. Tokenized Output: This is the final tokenized version of our corpus, ready for model training.

Inference Phase

  1. New Text: When we receive new text for inference, we start a separate process.

  2. Vocabulary Type: We check whether we're using a static or dynamic vocabulary.

    1. For a static vocabulary, we simply apply the final vocabulary from training.

    2. For a dynamic vocabulary, we first update the vocabulary based on the new text, then apply it.

  3. Tokenized New Text: This is the final tokenized version of our new text, ready for model inference.

Key Aspects of this Approach

  1. Flexibility: This workflow allows for the integration of multiple tokenization techniques, catering to different needs and scenarios.

  2. Scalability: By separating the training and inference phases, it accounts for both large-scale corpus processing and real-time tokenization of new text.

  3. Adaptability: The inclusion of Dynamic BPE allows the system to evolve its vocabulary over time, crucial for dealing with changing language use or new domains.

  4. Regularization: The optional regularization steps (BPE Dropout and Subword Regularization) can enhance model robustness and generalization.

  5. Efficiency: Byte-Level BPE as the foundation ensures efficient handling of multilingual or non-standard text inputs.

When to Use Each Component

  1. Standard BPE: When simplicity and computational efficiency are priorities.

  2. Byte-Level BPE: For multilingual corpora or when dealing with non-standard characters.

  3. BPE Dropout and Subword Regularization: When training on limited data or aiming for improved model generalization.

  4. Dynamic BPE: When the model needs to adapt to new domains or evolving language use over time.

Comparative Analysis of Advanced Tokenization Techniques




Byte-Level BPE

BPE Dropout

Subword Regularization

Dynamic BPE

Base Algorithm

Iterative merging

Iterative merging

Iterative merging


BPE or Unigram LM


Merging Criterion




Frequency with random drops


Adaptive frequency

Initial Vocabulary


Characters + special tokens

256 byte values



Characters or bytes

Handling of Unknown Words

Splits into known subwords

Uses [UNK] token and subwords

Splits into bytes

Improved via regularization

Improved via multiple segmentations

Can adapt to new words

Language Agnostic







Computational Complexity





Very High


Vocabulary Size







Tokenization Consistency




Varied during training

Varied during training

Can vary over time

Handling of Rare Words


Better than BPE




Can adapt to rare words

Multilingual Support


Better than BPE



Better than BPE

Can adapt to new languages

Model Robustness


Improved over BPE


Significantly improved

Significantly improved

Improved through adaptation

Domain Adaptation







Implementation Complexity





Very High

Very High

Memory Usage







Training Speed




Slower than BPE



Inference Speed





Can be slower

Can be slower



Moderate (due to special tokens)




Can be challenging

Commonly Used In



GPT-2, GPT-3

Various NLP tasks

Various NLP tasks

Domain-specific applications

This table provides a detailed comparison of six advanced tokenization techniques: BPE, WordPiece, Byte-Level BPE, BPE Dropout, Subword Regularization, and Dynamic BPE. Let's break down the key comparisons:

  1. Base Algorithm: All techniques build upon the basic BPE algorithm, with variations in implementation and additional features.

  2. Merging Criterion: This is a key differentiator. While BPE and Byte-Level BPE use frequency, WordPiece introduces a likelihood-based approach. BPE Dropout and Subword Regularization introduce randomness, and Dynamic BPE adapts its criterion over time.

  3. Initial Vocabulary: Byte-Level BPE stands out by starting with byte values, making it truly language-agnostic.

  4. Handling of Unknown Words: More advanced techniques like BPE Dropout and Subword Regularization show improvements here, with Dynamic BPE offering the potential to adapt to new words over time.

  5. Language Agnostic: Byte-Level BPE is fully language-agnostic, while others are partially so, with varying degrees of effectiveness across languages.

  6. Computational Complexity: Generally, the more advanced techniques (BPE Dropout, Subword Regularization, Dynamic BPE) have higher computational requirements.

  7. Vocabulary Size: Dynamic BPE is unique in its ability to adapt its vocabulary size over time.

  8. Tokenization Consistency: BPE Dropout and Subword Regularization intentionally introduce variation during training for improved robustness.

  9. Handling of Rare Words: More advanced techniques show improvements in this area, with Dynamic BPE offering the potential for continuous adaptation.

  10. Multilingual Support: Byte-Level BPE excels here due to its byte-level approach, while Dynamic BPE offers the potential to adapt to new languages over time.

  11. Model Robustness: BPE Dropout and Subword Regularization significantly improve model robustness through their regularization effects.

  12. Domain Adaptation: Dynamic BPE stands out in its ability to adapt to new domains over time.

  13. Implementation Complexity: Generally increases with the sophistication of the technique.

  14. Memory Usage: Varies, with Byte-Level BPE being particularly efficient due to its fixed initial vocabulary.

  15. Training and Inference Speed: More advanced techniques often trade off some speed for improved performance or adaptability.

  16. Reversibility: The ability to reconstruct the original text from tokens. Dynamic BPE can be challenging due to its evolving nature.

  17. Common Usage: Highlights where these techniques are frequently applied in practice.

This comparison reveals a clear trend: from BPE to Dynamic BPE, we see a progression in sophistication, adaptability, and potential performance improvements, often at the cost of increased computational complexity and implementation difficulty. The choice of tokenization technique thus becomes a balance between the specific requirements of the task, the characteristics of the data, and the available computational resources.

Rules of Thumb for Combining Tokenization Approaches

When working with advanced NLP tasks, combining different tokenization approaches can often yield better results than using a single method. Here are some general guidelines to help you effectively combine these techniques:

1. Start with Byte-Level BPE as the Foundation

Rule: Use Byte-Level BPE as your base tokenization method, especially for multilingual or unicode-heavy tasks.

Rationale: Byte-Level BPE provides a language-agnostic foundation that can handle any unicode character. It's an excellent starting point for most modern NLP tasks.

Example: For a multilingual chatbot or translation system, start with Byte-Level BPE to ensure consistent tokenization across languages.

2. Add Regularization for Improved Robustness

Rule: Incorporate BPE Dropout or Subword Regularization during the training phase, especially when working with smaller datasets or aiming for better generalization.

Rationale: These techniques introduce beneficial noise during training, helping the model become more robust to different subword segmentations.

Example: When fine-tuning a pre-trained model on a domain-specific task with limited data, apply BPE Dropout to improve the model's ability to handle variations in word forms.

3. Consider Dynamic BPE for Evolving Domains

Rule: Implement Dynamic BPE when dealing with domains where new terms frequently emerge or when adapting a model to new languages over time.

Rationale: Dynamic BPE allows the vocabulary to evolve, capturing new terms and adapting to shifts in language use.

Example: For a news classification system that needs to handle emerging topics and terminology, use Dynamic BPE to allow the model to adapt its vocabulary over time.

4. Use WordPiece for Morphologically Rich Languages

Rule: If working primarily with morphologically rich languages, consider using WordPiece instead of standard BPE as your base method.

Rationale: WordPiece's likelihood-based approach often results in more linguistically sensible subword units for complex word structures.

Example: For an NLP system focusing on languages like Turkish or Finnish, use WordPiece as the base tokenization method.

5. Combine Static and Dynamic Approaches

Rule: Use a static vocabulary (e.g., from Byte-Level BPE) for the core vocabulary, and supplement it with Dynamic BPE for handling new or domain-specific terms.

Rationale: This approach maintains consistency for common terms while allowing flexibility for new or specialized vocabulary.

Example: In a medical NLP system, use a static Byte-Level BPE vocabulary for general language, and implement Dynamic BPE to adapt to new medical terms and drug names over time.

6. Layer Regularization Techniques

Rule: When using regularization, consider applying both BPE Dropout and Subword Regularization in layers.

Rationale: BPE Dropout can be applied first to introduce variation in subword merges, followed by Subword Regularization to sample from multiple valid segmentations.

Example: In a robust text classification model, apply BPE Dropout during initial tokenization, then use Subword Regularization to sample different segmentations during training.

7. Adaptive Tokenization Pipeline

Rule: Implement an adaptive pipeline that can switch between different tokenization strategies based on the input or task.

Rationale: Different parts of your data or different tasks might benefit from different tokenization approaches.

Example: In a multi-task NLP system, use Byte-Level BPE for general text, WordPiece for morphologically complex words, and Dynamic BPE for handling emerging terms in specific domains.

8. Benchmark and Iterate

Rule: Always benchmark different combinations of tokenization techniques for your specific task and dataset.

Rationale: The effectiveness of tokenization strategies can vary based on the specific characteristics of your data and task.

Example: When developing a new NLP application, set up a benchmarking pipeline to compare performance across different tokenization combinations, and be prepared to iterate on your approach.


Tokenization isn't just a preprocessing step – it's the secret sauce that can make or break your NLP model. From the byte-level efficiency of GPT-3 to the morphological finesse of BERT's WordPiece, each flavor of BPE brings something unique to the table. But why settle for one when you can have the best of all worlds?

It's not about finding the one perfect tokenizer, but about crafting a tokenization strategy as dynamic and versatile as language itself. So next time you're knee-deep in text data, remember: your choice of tokenization could be the difference between a model that just processes words and one that truly understands language.


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