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Byte-Level BPE


Byte-level BPE (Byte Pair Encoding) is an extension of the standard BPE algorithm that operates on bytes rather than unicode characters. This approach was popularized by its use in GPT-2 and GPT-3 models.

Key features of Byte-level BPE

  1. Works directly on raw bytes of text.

  2. Can encode any string of bytes, including non-unicode text.

  3. Has a fixed vocabulary size (maximum of 256 initial tokens).

  4. Eliminates the need for pre-processing or special handling of unknown characters.

Byte-level BPE: Understanding the Initial 256 Token Vocabulary

The Concept of Bytes

First, let's understand what bytes are:

  1. A byte is a unit of digital information that consists of 8 bits.

  2. Each byte can represent 256 different values (2^8 = 256).

  3. These values range from 0 to 255.

Initial Vocabulary in Byte-level BPE

In Byte-level BPE, the initial vocabulary consists of 256 tokens, each representing a single byte value. This is true regardless of the length of the text you're tokenizing. Here's why:

  1. The initial vocabulary represents all possible single byte values.

  2. It's not based on words, sentences, or subwords, but on the fundamental units of digital data: bytes.

  3. This initial vocabulary can represent any digital data, not just text.


Let's walk through this with a simple example:

Text: "Hello"

Step 1: Convert to Bytes

First, we convert our text to its byte representation:

"Hello" in bytes (decimal representation): [72, 101, 108, 108, 111]

Step 2: Initial Vocabulary

The initial vocabulary includes all possible byte values, from 0 to 255. For our small example, we only use a few of these:

  1. 72 (represents 'H')

  2. 101 (represents 'e')

  3. 108 (represents 'l')

  4. 111 (represents 'o')

But the full initial vocabulary would include all 256 possible byte values, even those not used in our text.

Step 3: Initial Tokenization

Using this initial vocabulary, our word is tokenized as:

[72] [101] [108] [108] [111]

Each token is a single byte.

Why 256 Tokens?

  1. Universality: With 256 tokens, we can represent any possible byte of data. This means we can tokenize any digital information, not just text in a specific encoding.

  2. No Unknown Tokens: Since every possible byte value has a token, we never encounter "unknown" tokens at the byte level.

  3. Language Agnostic: This approach works for any language or even non-text data, as it operates at the byte level.

Comparison with Character-Based Approaches

In a character-based approach, the initial vocabulary might be: ['H', 'e', 'l', 'o']

This is fundamentally different because:

  1. It's specific to the characters in our text.

  2. It can't represent characters not in our initial text without adding new tokens.

  3. It's limited to the character set of the text (e.g., ASCII, Unicode).

Byte-level BPE Workflow

1. Basic Concept

Byte-level BPE applies the BPE algorithm to sequences of bytes instead of characters. This means that instead of starting with a vocabulary of unicode characters, it starts with a vocabulary of 256 possible byte values (0-255).

2. Initial Vocabulary

The initial vocabulary consists of:

  1. 256 tokens representing single bytes (0-255)

  2. Optional special tokens (e.g., [PAD], [CLS], [SEP])

3. Merge Operations

Similar to standard BPE, Byte-level BPE iteratively merges the most frequent pairs of tokens. However, these tokens represent byte sequences rather than character sequences.

4. Encoding Process

When encoding text:

  1. The text is first converted to its byte representation.

  2. These bytes are then tokenized using the learned merges.

5. Handling of Unicode Characters

Multi-byte unicode characters are naturally split across multiple tokens. For example, a 3-byte unicode character would initially be represented by three separate byte tokens.


Let's use the following sentence for our example:

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The fox is quick."

Step 1: Initial Vocabulary

Start with a vocabulary of 256 tokens, one for each possible byte value (0-255). For simplicity, we'll focus on the bytes actually used in our text.

Step 2: Convert Text to Bytes

Convert the text to its byte representation:

[84, 104, 101, 32, 113, 117, 105, 99, 107, 32, 98, 114, 111, 119, 110, 32, 102, 111, 120, 32, 106, 117, 109, 112, 115, 32, 111, 118, 101, 114, 32, 116, 104, 101, 32, 108, 97, 122, 121, 32, 100, 111, 103, 46, 32, 84, 104, 101, 32, 102, 111, 120, 32, 105, 115, 32, 113, 117, 105, 99, 107, 46]

Step 3: Initial Tokenization

Each byte is represented by its corresponding token:

[84] [104] [101] [32] [113] [117] [105] [99] [107] [32] [98] [114] [111] [119] [110] [32] [102] [111] [120] [32] [106] [117] [109] [112] [115] [32] [111] [118] [101] [114] [32] [116] [104] [101] [32] [108] [97] [122] [121] [32] [100] [111] [103] [46] [32] [84] [104] [101] [32] [102] [111] [120] [32] [105] [115] [32] [113] [117] [105] [99] [107] [46]

Step 4: Count Frequencies

Count the frequency of each adjacent pair of tokens. Top frequent pairs:

  1. [32, 116] (space + 't'): 3 occurrences

  2. [104, 101] ('he'): 3 occurrences

  3. [113, 117] ('qu'): 2 occurrences

  4. [105, 99] ('ic'): 2 occurrences

  5. [32, 102] (space + 'f'): 2 occurrences

Step 5: Merge Most Frequent Pair

Merge the most frequent pair. Let's choose [104, 101] ('he'):

New token: [104, 101] Updated tokenization: [84] [104, 101] [32] [113] [117] [105] [99] [107] [32] [98] [114] [111] [119] [110] [32] [102] [111] [120] [32] [106] [117] [109] [112] [115] [32] [111] [118] [101] [114] [32] [116] [104, 101] [32] [108] [97] [122] [121] [32] [100] [111] [103] [46] [32] [84] [104, 101] [32] [102] [111] [120] [32] [105] [115] [32] [113] [117] [105] [99] [107] [46]

Step 6: Repeat Steps 4-5

Continue merging frequent pairs. After a few iterations:

  1. Merge [113, 117] ('qu')

  2. Merge [105, 99] ('ic')

  3. Merge [32, 116] (space + 't')

  4. Merge [113, 117, 105, 99] ('quic')

Resulting tokenization might look like: [84] [104, 101] [32] [113, 117, 105, 99, 107] [32] [98, 114, 111, 119, 110] [32] [102, 111, 120] [32] [106, 117, 109, 112, 115] [32] [111, 118, 101, 114] [32, 116] [104, 101] [32] [108, 97, 122, 121] [32] [100, 111, 103] [46] [32] [84] [104, 101] [32] [102, 111, 120] [32] [105, 115] [32] [113, 117, 105, 99, 107] [46]

Step 7: Final Vocabulary

The final vocabulary includes:

  1. The original 256 byte tokens

  2. New tokens created from merges, like:

    1. [104, 101] ('he')

    2. [113, 117, 105, 99] ('quic')

    3. [98, 114, 111, 119, 110] ('brown') ...

Step 8: Tokenize New Text

When tokenizing new text, use the largest available tokens from the vocabulary. For example:

New text: "The quick red fox"

Tokenization: [84] [104, 101] [32] [113, 117, 105, 99, 107] [32] [114, 101, 100] [32] [102, 111, 120]

Note: "red" is tokenized as individual bytes if it wasn't part of any merged token in the training process.

Key Observations

  1. The process starts and ends with bytes, not characters.

  2. Common sequences (like "the", "quick") become single tokens.

  3. The algorithm can handle any byte sequence, including non-text data.

  4. There's no need for an "unknown" token as all possible byte sequences can be represented.

  5. The final vocabulary size is controlled (usually set to a specific target, like 50,000 tokens).

This example demonstrates how Byte-level BPE creates a vocabulary that efficiently represents common byte sequences while maintaining the ability to encode any possible input.

Pros & Cons of Byte-level BPE


  1. Universal Applicability

    1. Can handle any input, including text in any language, non-text data, or even corrupted data.

    2. No need for language-specific preprocessing or tokenization rules.

  2. Fixed Initial Vocabulary

    1. Starts with a predictable, fixed-size vocabulary of 256 tokens.

    2. Simplifies implementation and initial processing.

  3. No Unknown Tokens

    1. Every possible input can be tokenized using the initial byte vocabulary.

    2. Eliminates the need for special handling of unknown tokens.

  4. Efficiency in Multilingual Settings

    1. Can handle multiple languages without separate tokenizers.

    2. Particularly useful for multilingual models like GPT-3.

  5. Robustness to Noise

    1. Can process inputs with typos, unusual characters, or non-standard spellings.

    2. Beneficial for handling user-generated content or noisy data.

  6. Consistent Tokenization

    1. Provides a consistent approach across different types of data and languages.

    2. Helps in creating more versatile models.

  7. Lossless Representation

    1. Can always reconstruct the original input exactly from the tokenized form.

    2. Important for tasks requiring precise input reconstruction.


  1. Longer Sequences: Can result in longer token sequences compared to word or

  2. Loss of Explicit Character Boundaries: Multi-byte characters might be split across tokens, potentially losing character-level information.

  3. Potential Inefficiency for Single-Byte Encodings: Might be less efficient for languages that primarily use single-byte encodings (e.g., English).

  4. Increased Compute Requirements: Longer sequences can lead to increased computational requirements.

  5. Potential Loss of Word-Level Semantics: Might not capture word boundaries as effectively as word-based tokenization.

  6. Challenges in Interpretability: Byte-level tokens can be less interpretable than word or subword tokens.

  7. Potential Overfitting to Byte Patterns: Models might overfit to specific byte patterns rather than higher-level linguistic features.


Byte-level BPE offers significant advantages in terms of universality, consistency, and robustness, making it particularly suitable for large-scale, multilingual models. However, it also presents challenges related to sequence length, character-level information, and interpretability.


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