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BPE Dropout


BPE dropout is a regularization technique for subword tokenization, introduced to improve the robustness of neural machine translation models. It's an extension of the standard Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm that introduces randomness into the tokenization process during training.

Key points

  1. Applies to BPE and its variants (like WordPiece)

  2. Used during training, not inference

  3. Introduces multiple possible segmentations for each word

  4. Acts as a data augmentation technique at the tokenization level

BPE Dropout Workflow

Standard BPE Process

First, let's recall how standard BPE works:

  1. Start with a vocabulary of individual characters.

  2. Iteratively merge the most frequent pair of tokens.

  3. Apply these merges deterministically during tokenization

BPE Dropout Modification

BPE dropout modifies step (c) of the standard process:

  1. For each word during training:

    1. Randomly drop some merges with a probability p (typically 0.1)

    2. This results in a different segmentation each time

  2. The dropout is applied independently for each word in each training batch.

Detailed Algorithm

Let's walk through the process with an example:

Word: "unbelievable"

Standard BPE merges (hypothetical):

  1. 'u' + 'n' → 'un'

  2. 'a' + 'ble' → 'able'

  3. 'be' + 'lie' → 'belie'

  4. 'un' + 'belie' → 'unbelie'

  5. 'unbelie' + 'v' → 'unbeliev'

BPE dropout process

  1. For each merge, generate a random number r between 0 and 1

  2. If r < p (dropout probability), don't apply this merge

  3. Apply remaining merges

Possible outcomes with BPE dropout

  1. "unbeliev able" (if merge 2 is dropped)

  2. "un belie v able" (if merges 3 and 5 are dropped)

  3. "u n belie v able" (if merges 1, 3, and 5 are dropped)

Training Process

During model training:

  1. For each training batch:

    1. Apply BPE dropout to create tokenized input

    2. Feed this to the model

    3. Compute loss and update model parameters

  2. The model sees different segmentations of the same word across epochs

Inference Process

During inference (after training):

  1. Use standard BPE without dropout

  2. This ensures consistent tokenization for the same input

Understanding Dropout Probability in BPE Dropout

Basic Concept

In BPE dropout, the dropout probability (p) represents the likelihood of not applying a particular merge operation during the tokenization process. It determines how often the algorithm will "drop out" or skip a merge that would normally occur in standard BPE.

What Different Values Mean

p = 0.1 (Typical Value)

  1. Meaning: Each merge operation has a 10% chance of being skipped.

  2. Effect:

    1. Introduces moderate variability in tokenization.

    2. Most merges still occur, maintaining a balance between standard tokenization and increased variability.

p = 0.0 (No Dropout)

  1. Meaning: No merges are ever skipped.

  2. Effect:

    1. Equivalent to standard BPE.

    2. Always produces the same tokenization for a given word.

p = 1.0 (Full Dropout)

Meaning: All merges are always skipped.


  1. Results in character-level tokenization.

  2. Each word is broken down into its individual characters/bytes.

p = 0.5 (High Dropout)

Meaning: Each merge has a 50% chance of being skipped.


  1. Introduces high variability in tokenization.

  2. Significantly different segmentations of words in each iteration.


Let's consider the word "unbelievable" with the following BPE merge rules:

  1. 'u' + 'n' → 'un'

  2. 'be' + 'lie' → 'belie'

  3. 'able' (already in vocab)

  4. 'un' + 'belie' → 'unbelie'

  5. 'v' + 'able' → 'vable'

Here's how different p values might affect tokenization:

p = 0.0 (Standard BPE)

Always: ['unbelie', 'vable']

p = 0.1

Possible outcomes:

  1. ['unbelie', 'vable'] (most common)

  2. ['un', 'belie', 'vable']

  3. ['unbelie', 'v', 'able']

  4. ['un', 'belie', 'v', 'able'] (rarely) ['u', 'n', 'be', 'lie', 'v', 'able']

p = 0.5

Possible outcomes (more varied):

  1. ['un', 'belie', 'v', 'able']

  2. ['u', 'n', 'belie', 'vable']

  3. ['un', 'be', 'lie', 'v', 'able']

  4. ['unbelie', 'vable']

  5. ['u', 'n', 'be', 'lie', 'v', 'able']

p = 1.0

Always: ['u', 'n', 'b', 'e', 'l', 'i', 'e', 'v', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'e']

Impact on Training

  1. Low p (e.g., 0.1)

    1. Slight increase in tokenization variability.

    2. Model sees minor variations, improving robustness without drastically changing the input.

  2. Medium p (e.g., 0.3-0.5)

    1. Significant increase in tokenization variability.

    2. Model is exposed to many different subword combinations, potentially improving generalization to unseen words.

  3. High p (e.g., 0.7-0.9)

    1. Very high variability, often resulting in character-level or near-character-level tokenization.

    2. May be beneficial for tasks requiring character-level understanding but can slow down training.

  4. p = 1.0

    1. Effectively becomes character-level training.

    2. Useful for comparing with subword-level approaches but typically not used in practice for BPE dropout.

Choosing the Right p

  1. The optimal p often lies in the range of 0.1 to 0.3.

  2. It should balance introducing beneficial variability without disrupting the learning of common subword patterns.

  3. The choice depends on factors like language morphology, task requirements, and dataset characteristics.

Remember, BPE dropout with any p > 0 is only applied during training. During inference, standard BPE (equivalent to p = 0) is used to ensure consistent tokenization.

Pros & Cons of BPE Dropout


  1. Improved Robustness: Exposes the model to various valid segmentations, making it more resilient to different word forms.

  2. Better Generalization: Enhances the model's ability to handle rare or unseen words by learning from diverse subword combinations.

  3. Data Augmentation: Acts as a form of data augmentation at the tokenization level, effectively increasing training data diversity.

  4. Reduced Overfitting: The variability in tokenization helps prevent the model from overfitting to specific segmentations.

  5. Enhanced Compositionality: Improves the model's understanding of how subwords compose to form words.

  6. Adaptability: Particularly useful in low-resource scenarios or when dealing with morphologically rich languages.


  1. Increased Training Time: The random dropout process can slow down training compared to standard BPE.

  2. Potential Instability: If not tuned properly, it might lead to unstable training or slower convergence.

  3. Complexity: Adds another hyperparameter (dropout probability) to tune, increasing model complexity.

  4. Resource Intensive: Requires more computational resources due to the dynamic nature of tokenization during training.

  5. Inconsistency: The variability in tokenization might make it harder to interpret or debug model behavior during training.

  6. Limited to Training: The benefits are mainly during training; inference still uses standard BPE.


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