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Adapter Fine-Tuning Demystified

Adapter-based methods are parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques for large language models (LLMs). They address the challenge of fine-tuning massive pre-trained models, which can be computationally expensive and memory-intensive. Instead of updating all parameters in the model, adapters introduce a small number of trainable parameters while keeping the pre-trained weights frozen.

The main benefits of adapter-based methods are:

  1. Efficiency: They reduce the number of trainable parameters, making fine-tuning faster and less memory-intensive.

  2. Modularity: Different adapters can be trained for different tasks or domains, allowing for easy switching between them.

  3. Preservation of pre-trained knowledge: By keeping most of the original model frozen, adapters help prevent catastrophic forgetting.

Table of Contents


Standard Adapters


Standard adapters are typically placed after the attention and feed-forward layers in transformer blocks. This placement allows them to modify the output of these layers without directly altering their weights.


  1. Down-projection (D): This step reduces the dimensionality of the input. It's crucial because:

    1. It significantly decreases the number of parameters, making fine-tuning more efficient.

    2. It forces the adapter to learn a compressed representation of the task-specific information.

    3. It acts as a form of regularization, potentially improving generalization.

  2. Activation function (a): Typically ReLU, this non-linear function is essential because:

    1. It introduces non-linearity, allowing the adapter to learn complex transformations.

    2. It helps in feature selection by setting negative values to zero.

    3. It mitigates the vanishing gradient problem during training.

  3. Up-projection (U): This step projects the activated features back to the original dimension. It's necessary because:

    1. It allows the adapter's output to be compatible with the subsequent layer's input.

    2. It expands the compressed representation, potentially capturing richer task-specific features.

    3. It enables the residual connection, allowing the model to utilize both the original and the adapted representations.

The residual connection (h + f(h)) is crucial as it allows the model to easily bypass the adapter if necessary, maintaining the option to use the original pre-trained representations.

Standard Adapters: A Analogy ...

Imagine a textbook on world history. This book represents our pre-trained language model, containing knowledge on various topics.

  1. The Original Chapter (Pre-trained Model):

    1. Each chapter in the book is like a layer in our model.

    2. The content of each chapter represents the knowledge captured by that layer.

  2. Adding Margin Notes (Standard Adapter):

    1. Now, imagine you want to specialize this book for a course on "Technology in World History."

    2. Instead of rewriting entire chapters, you add concise margin notes throughout the book.

    3. These margin notes are like our adapters - small, efficient additions that specialize the content.

  3. The Adapter Process:

    1. Down-projection: You summarize the main points of a paragraph in a short note (reducing dimensions).

    2. Activation: You highlight the most relevant parts of your summary for the tech focus (non-linear transformation).

    3. Up-projection: You expand on these highlights, relating them back to the original text but with a tech emphasis (returning to original dimensions).

  4. Reading the Adapted Book:

    1. As you read a chapter, you read both the original text and the margin notes.

    2. The margin notes guide your interpretation of the main text, emphasizing technology-related aspects.

    3. This is similar to how the adapter's output is added to the original layer's output.

  5. Efficiency and Flexibility:

    1. Adding margin notes is much faster and more space-efficient than rewriting the entire book.

    2. You can easily remove or replace these notes for a different specialization (e.g., "Art in World History").

    3. This mirrors how adapters allow for efficient, swappable fine-tuning of large language models.

  6. Preserving Original Knowledge:

    1. The main text of the book remains unchanged, preserving the broad historical knowledge.

    2. Similarly, adapters allow the model to maintain its pre-trained knowledge while adding task-specific adaptations.

This analogy illustrates how standard adapters efficiently specialize a pre-trained model for specific tasks while maintaining the model's original knowledge and allowing for flexible, modular fine-tuning.


In this example, we're simulating a scenario where we want to fine-tune a pre-trained language model for a sentiment analysis task. The objective is to demonstrate how a standard adapter can modify the output of a pre-trained model to better suit the sentiment analysis task without changing the original model weights.

Analysis of Results

  1. The adapter slightly increases the values of the sentiment-related elements (first 4 elements in this example).

  2. The differences are relatively small (around 0.04-0.05), indicating subtle adjustments.

  3. The adapter preserves the overall pattern of the input while enhancing certain features.

Impact of Standard Adapters

  1. Feature Enhancement: The adapter amplifies the existing sentiment signals, potentially making the model more sensitive to sentiment-related information.

  2. Subtle Modifications: The changes are small, demonstrating the adapter's ability to fine-tune without drastically altering the pre-trained representations.

  3. Task-Specific Adaptation: By learning these small adjustments, the adapter can tailor the model's behavior to the specific task (sentiment analysis in this case) without requiring updates to the entire model.

  4. Efficiency: These meaningful changes are achieved with a relatively small number of parameters (2 768 64 + 64 = 98,368), compared to fine-tuning the entire model.

Standard Adapter Placement & Dimensions in Transformer Layers


Standard adapters are typically placed:

  1. After the multi-head attention layer

  2. After the feed-forward layer

This placement is strategic for several reasons:

  1. Preserving Pre-trained Knowledge:

    1. By not interfering with the internal operations of the attention and feed-forward layers, the adapters maintain the pre-trained model's core functionality.

  2. Residual Learning:

    1. The placement facilitates easy integration with the residual connections present in transformer architectures.

    2. This allows the model to easily bypass the adapter if the original representation is more suitable.

  3. Modifying Key Transformations:

  4. The attention and feed-forward layers are the primary components that process and transform the input representations.

  5. Placing adapters after these layers allows for task-specific adjustments to these crucial transformations.


  1. Input → Down-projection: 768 → 64

  2. Activation: Maintains 64 dimensions

  3. Up-projection → Output: 64 → 768

  4. The final output is added to the original input (residual connection), maintaining 768 dimensions.


  1. Efficient: Dramatically reduces the number of trainable parameters.

  2. Modular: Can be easily swapped for different tasks.

  3. Preserves pre-trained knowledge: Keeps most of the original model frozen.

  4. Flexible: Can be added to different layers for varying effects.


  1. Limited capacity: The bottleneck structure may limit the adapter's ability to learn complex task-specific transformations.

  2. Fixed architecture: The same adapter structure is used throughout the model, which may not be optimal for all layers.

  3. Sequential nature: The down-projection followed by up-projection may not capture all necessary interactions for some tasks.

These limitations lead us to consider more advanced adapter methods, such as bottleneck adapters, which aim to address some of these issues by modifying the adapter architecture and placement strategy.


Bottleneck Adapters


Bottleneck Adapters are an evolution of Standard Adapters, designed to further improve parameter efficiency and task-specific adaptation.They maintain the core idea of adding small, trainable modules to a pre-trained model but introduce some key modifications to enhance performance and efficiency.

  1. Extreme bottleneck

  2. Skip connection


This equation represents the core functionality of Bottleneck Adapters:

  1. Down-projection (D): Reduces the input dimension drastically (extreme bottleneck).

  2. Activation (a): Applies a non-linear transformation, typically ReLU.

  3. Up-projection (U): Projects the activated features back to the original dimension.

  4. Skip-connection (s): Provides a direct path for the input to influence the output.

  5. Residual connection: The original input (h) is added to the adapter's output.

Standard Adapters vs Bottleneck Adapters

Key differences between Standard and Bottleneck Adapters:

  1. Extreme Bottleneck:

    1. Bottleneck Adapters use a more drastic dimensionality reduction in down-projection.

    2. This increases parameter efficiency, allowing for adaptation with fewer trainable parameters.

    3. The extreme bottleneck acts as a strong regularizer, potentially improving generalization.

  2. Skip Connection:

    1. Bottleneck Adapters introduce a skip connection that bypasses the non-linear transformation.

    2. This allows for better gradient flow during training, potentially leading to faster convergence.

    3. The skip connection provides a direct path for the input to influence the output, allowing the adapter to learn both linear and non-linear transformations.

These modifications help Bottleneck Adapters achieve:

  1. Improved parameter efficiency

  2. Enhanced gradient flow

  3. Increased expressiveness in learned transformations

  4. Potential for better performance with fewer parameters compared to Standard Adapters.


Analysis of Bottleneck Adapter Results

  1. Impact of Extreme Bottleneck

    1. Despite the drastic reduction to 16 dimensions, the adapter still produces meaningful modifications to the input.

    2. The changes are subtle (around 0.02-0.03), indicating that the extreme bottleneck allows for fine-grained adjustments.

    3. This demonstrates the adapter's ability to capture task-relevant information even with severe dimensionality reduction.

  2. Effect of Skip Connection

    1. The output preserves the general pattern of the input while enhancing certain features.

    2. This preservation is partly due to the skip connection, which allows some of the original input to bypass the non-linear transformation.

    3. The skip connection enables the adapter to learn both additive and multiplicative transformations, potentially increasing its expressiveness.

  3. Overall Impact

    1. The Bottleneck Adapter makes subtle but potentially significant adjustments to the input.

    2. These adjustments could represent task-specific enhancements (e.g., amplifying sentiment-related features for a sentiment analysis task).

    3. The combination of extreme bottleneck and skip connection allows for these adaptations with minimal additional parameters.


  1. Parameter Efficiency: Bottleneck adapters significantly reduce the number of parameters that need to be fine-tuned, saving memory and computational resources.

  2. Preservation of Pre-trained Knowledge: By keeping most of the original model parameters unchanged, bottleneck adapters retain the general knowledge acquired during pre-training.

  3. Simplified Integration: They are straightforward to integrate into existing transformer architectures without requiring major modifications.

  4. Training Stability: The use of skip connections ensures better gradient flow and training stability, leading to faster convergence.


  1. Limited Capacity: The strong dimensionality reduction in bottleneck adapters might limit their capacity to capture complex task-specific patterns, potentially affecting performance on more challenging tasks.

  2. Parallel Adapter Comparison: Unlike parallel adapters, which add a separate pathway and can be more flexible in capturing diverse features, bottleneck adapters work within a single pathway, which might restrict their adaptability to highly varied tasks.


Parallel Adapters


Parallel adapters introduce an additional processing pathway that runs alongside the main transformer layers. This approach allows for task-specific adaptations while preserving the core model's pre-trained knowledge. The parallel adapters process the input features and combine their output with the main transformer's output, enhancing the model's ability to adapt to diverse tasks.


Structure Explanation

  1. Main Transformer Layer: Processes the input through multi-head attention, feed-forward network, and normalization layers, generating the main path output.

  2. Parallel Adapter Path: Processes the same input through a down-projection, non-linearity, and up-projection sequence, generating the adapter output.

  3. Combination: Combines the main path output and the parallel adapter output to form the final output.

Key Points and Performance Boost

  1. Modularity: Parallel adapters can be added or removed without altering the main transformer layers, providing flexibility and easy integration.

  2. Task-Specific Adaptation: Each adapter can be fine-tuned for specific tasks, enhancing the model's ability to handle diverse tasks.

  3. Preservation of Pre-Trained Knowledge: The main transformer path remains unchanged, ensuring the retention of general knowledge while adapting to specific tasks.

Parallel Adapters for Multi-Task Learning and Task Adaptation

Parallel adapters enhance multi-task learning by providing task-specific processing pathways. This allows the model to effectively handle multiple tasks by retaining the pre-trained knowledge in the main transformer layers and adapting to each task using the parallel adapters.


In this example, we will demonstrate how parallel adapters can be used for two distinct tasks: sentiment analysis and named entity recognition (NER).

Sentiment Analysis Output

The sentiment adapter processes the input and combines it with the main path output. The combined output is used for sentiment classification, providing confidence scores for each sentiment class (e.g., positive or negative).


The NER adapter processes the input and combines it with the main path output. The combined output is used for token-level classification, providing confidence scores for each token in the input sequence, indicating the likelihood of each token belonging to different NER classes.

Graphical Explanation of the Implementation

  1. Main Transformer Layer: Processes the input through multi-head attention, feed-forward network, and normalization layers, generating the main path output.

  2. Sentiment Adapter Path: Processes the input through down-projection, non-linearity, and up-projection layers, creating the sentiment-specific output.

  3. NER Adapter Path: Similarly processes the input through down-projection, non-linearity, and up-projection layers, creating the NER-specific output.

  4. Combination: Combines the outputs from the main transformer layer and each parallel adapter path (sentiment and NER) to produce the final task-specific outputs.


  1. Modular Design: Parallel adapters can be added or removed without altering the core model structure, providing flexibility.

  2. Enhanced Task-Specific Adaptation: They offer specialized pathways for each task, improving the model's performance on diverse tasks.

  3. Preservation of Pre-Trained Knowledge: By maintaining the main transformer pathway, parallel adapters ensure that the pre-trained knowledge is retained.

  4. Flexibility for Multi-Task Learning: They are highly flexible and efficient in multi-task learning scenarios, allowing for effective task adaptation.


  1. Increased Model Complexity: Adding parallel pathways increases the overall complexity of the model.

  2. Moderate Computational Overhead: The additional pathways slightly increase computational overhead compared to more straightforward adapter methods.

  3. Parameter Efficiency: While efficient, there are more advanced techniques that might offer even greater parameter efficiency and streamlined task adaptation.

To address some of these cons and push the boundaries of task-specific adaptation and parameter efficiency further, we can explore another advanced technique: Hyperformer.




Hyperformers leverage hypernetworks to dynamically generate task-specific adapter weights based on task embeddings, allowing models to adapt efficiently and effectively to different tasks. This makes them particularly well-suited for environments where tasks are specified through prompts and can change dynamically.

How Hyperformers Work

Example Scenario: Sentiment Analysis and Named Entity Recognition (NER)

During Training

  1. Task Identification and Embedding Generation:

    1. Each task is associated with a unique task embedding that encapsulates the task's specific characteristics.

    2. These embeddings are learned in parallel during training as the model is exposed to multiple tasks.

  2. Adapter Weight Generation:

    1. The task embeddings are fed into a hypernetwork.

    2. The hypernetwork generates the adapter weights (downward, non-linear, and upward projection weights) dynamically for each task.

  3. Model Training:

    1. The generated adapter weights are applied within the transformer layers.

    2. The model is trained to optimize its performance on each task using these dynamically generated weights.

During Inference

  1. Task Identification:

    1. The model identifies the task based on the input prompt or task identifier.

    2. Example Prompt: "Translate this sentence to French."

    3. The model identifies the task as translation based on the prompt.

  2. Task Embedding and Weight Generation:

    1. The corresponding task embedding is retrieved or generated.

    2. This task embedding is fed into the hypernetwork to dynamically generate the adapter weights.

    3. The task embedding for translation is retrieved.

    4. Task embedding is fed into the hypernetwork to generate the appropriate adapter weights.

  3. Task-Specific Adaptation:

    1. The dynamically generated weights are applied within the transformer layers.

    2. The model processes the input and produces a task-specific output.

    3. Generated weights are applied within the transformer layers.

    4. The model processes the input and generates a task-specific output (translated sentence).

How Hypernetwork Weights Are Adjusted During Training

In Hyperformers, the hypernetwork is trained alongside the main transformer model. During training, the hypernetwork learns to generate appropriate adapter weights for each task based on task embeddings. The weights of the hypernetwork are adjusted through backpropagation, similar to how the main model's weights are trained.

  1. Task-Specific Training:

    1. Each training batch is associated with a specific task.

    2. The task embedding for the current task is generated or retrieved.

  2. Forward Pass:

    1. The task embedding is fed into the hypernetwork.

    2. The hypernetwork generates the adapter weights for the task.

    3. The main model processes the input using these adapter weights.

  3. Loss Calculation:

    1. The model's output is compared to the target output to calculate the loss.

    2. This loss reflects how well the model (including the hypernetwork) is performing the task.

  4. Backpropagation:

    1. The loss is backpropagated through the network.

    2. Both the main model's weights and the hypernetwork's weights are updated to minimize the loss.

    3. This process allows the hypernetwork to learn how to generate effective adapter weights for each task.

Generalization Across Tasks

  1. Task Embeddings: Task embeddings provide specific information about each task, allowing the hypernetwork to generate task-specific weights.

  2. Shared Hypernetwork: The hypernetwork learns a generalizable function that can interpret various task embeddings and produce appropriate adapter weights.

  3. Parallel Learning: During training, the hypernetwork sees multiple tasks and learns to generalize across them. It adjusts its weights to generate effective adapter weights for a variety of task embeddings.


  1. Dynamic Adaptability:

    1. Hyperformers can dynamically generate task-specific adapter weights, allowing the model to adapt efficiently to a wide range of tasks without needing separate fine-tuning for each task.

  2. Parameter Efficiency:

    1. By generating adapter weights on-the-fly, Hyperformers avoid the need to store multiple sets of static weights, reducing the overall parameter count and memory usage.

  3. Scalability:

    1. The ability to handle multiple tasks with a single hypernetwork makes Hyperformers highly scalable. They can seamlessly integrate new tasks by simply learning new task embeddings.

  4. Enhanced Performance:

    1. Task-specific adaptation ensures that the model's performance is optimized for each task, leveraging the unique characteristics encapsulated in task embeddings.

  5. Flexibility:

    1. Hyperformers are suitable for diverse applications, from personalized AI assistants to multi-domain language models, due to their ability to dynamically adjust to task-specific requirements.


  1. Hyperparameter Tuning:

    1. Tuning hyperparameters for both the hypernetwork and the task embeddings introduces additional complexity, requiring careful optimization to achieve the best performance.

  2. Stability Issues:

    1. Ensuring the stability and convergence of the hypernetwork during training can be difficult, especially when dealing with a diverse set of tasks. Regularization techniques are often needed to maintain stability.

  3. Quality of Task Embeddings:

    1. The effectiveness of Hyperformers heavily depends on the quality of the task embeddings. Poorly learned task embeddings can lead to suboptimal adapter weights and degraded model performance.

  4. Increased Model Complexity:

    1. The integration of a hypernetwork and the process of learning task embeddings increase the overall model complexity, which can complicate implementation and maintenance.


Comparison of Adapter Methods


Standard Adapters

Bottleneck Adapters

Parallel Adapters


Dynamic Adaptability





Parameter Efficiency




Very High

Training Complexity










Performance Optimization





Task Embedding Utilization





Weight Generation









Requires Regularization

Suitability for Multi-Task




Very High

  1. Standard Adapters: Simple and easy to implement with high stability but lack dynamic adaptability and scalability.

  2. Bottleneck Adapters: Offer high parameter efficiency and task-specific performance but increase training complexity and require careful tuning for stability.

  3. Parallel Adapters: Provide a balance with moderate scalability and task-specific performance, but have limitations in dynamic adaptability and training complexity.

  4. Hyperformers: Excel in dynamic adaptability and scalability, making them ideal for multi-task learning. They achieve very high parameter efficiency and task-specific optimization but at the cost of increased training complexity and the need for regularization to ensure stability.

Each method has its strengths and trade-offs, making the choice dependent on specific use cases and requirements. Hyperformers, despite their complexity, offer the most advanced and flexible solution for dynamic and scalable task adaptation.


Selecting the Right Adapters

Selecting the right adapter method for your model involves evaluating several key factors: dynamic adaptability, parameter efficiency, stability, and simplicity. If your application requires dynamic adaptability, where the model needs to generate task-specific weights on-the-fly, Hyperformers are the ideal choice. They excel in scenarios requiring flexible and efficient handling of multiple tasks. If dynamic adaptability is not necessary, the next consideration is parameter efficiency. For applications that need high parameter efficiency and involve known and fixed tasks, Bottleneck Adapters are optimal. They provide significant parameter savings while offering task-specific performance improvements. However, if the tasks are not fixed or are more varied, Parallel Adapters offer a balanced approach, providing moderate efficiency and scalability.


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